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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. To be fair, they're in a tough spot. Even the accusation of domestic violence puts guys in a bad spot. And let's be real, regardless of what he's done or not done, Hardy hasn't exactly done a great job of keeping his image above reproach. And they have to defend him. Have you ever had one of those friends you try to defend from something, only to watch him turn around and make an ass of himself all over again? Hardy's that guy, on a grand scale. You can bet loads of women's groups and such will be watching. And fair or not, they'll have expectations.
  2. The league doesn't have to meet a 'court of law' standard of evidence to suspend a player. They'll do a full 'investigation' but in the end, if they want to punish him, they will.
  3. Ben Roethlisberger was suspended without there ever even having been a trial. Roethlisberger is easily ten times as big a star as Hardy (that's being generous, honestly) and the league suffered no consequences. And all of that occurred before the Ray Rice story ever happened. More recently, there's also Adrian Peterson. Do you really think the NFL that can get away with suspending big names like Roethlisberger and Peterson is going to be brought to their knees by Greg Hardy? (pretty sure people in Pantherland are the only ones who'd buy that idea)
  4. His personality is waaaayyyy better suited to college coaching than pro coaching. With the resources Michigan can provide, I think he'll thrive there. As to the 49ers thriving, uuuhhh...
  5. Harbaugh says parting with 49ers wasn't mutual Shocking, right? Who could possibly have seen this coming?
  6. The NFL is not going to apologize to Greg Hardy or the Panthers. Nor are they going to do anything to 'make it up' to either one. They took unusual measures (the exempt list) to keep his name out of the public consciousness while they rewrote the policies that governed domestic violence suspensions. Now, in all likelihood, the full force of those rewritten rules will be used against Hardy. And yes, this will probably happen regardless of whether or not you or anyone else thinks it's fair. Get a grip, guys.
  8. That'd be discriminatory. If following instructions were required, the job could not be given to a guy.
  9. See, this is the real reason why I always decline. I have nine and a half toes.
  10. Call me crazy, but I have a feeling shame-based punishment doesn't really work on cats To begin with, they simply don't have the intellectual capacity to understand the signs themselves, the concept of shame or why all this is being done. But more to the point, they're evil
  11. Aaaahhh, come on guys. Make nice. No reason to fight.
  12. Been watching... Head hurts from shaking too much...
  13. Oh come on. What kind of a goofy name is Philly B?
  14. The Exempt List doesn't ban him from the facilities. That point has been asked and answered before.
  15. "Nothing seems to be biting right now."
  16. "Damn them! Damn them straight to Hell for birthing this thing!"
  17. What page of the Kama Sutra is this one on? And what's it called?
  18. "What is a creature there's no way I'm gonna try and track down, Alex?" (and you thought Bigfoot was bad)
  19. People let their emotions play waaaaaayyyy too heavily into these debates. Reminds me a lot of the Steve Smith debates last year. You could point out a logical rationale behind the release, and most of the responses would be along the lines of "YOU JUST HATE SMITTY OMG I WILL NEVER LIKE THIS TEAM AGAIN SCREW GETTLEMAN I HOPE WE LOSE EVERY GAME NOW SMITTY IS THE GREATEST EVAR!!!" Bout the same this year with Hardy (probably a lot of the same posters). I'm okay with Hardy staying or walking. Logic tells me he's gone, and there are actually sound football reasons to let him go. But hey, I must just hate Greg Hardy, right?
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