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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Pretty sure he's not alone in that feeling.
  2. Wow. Never watched Power Rangers (probably would get this better if I did) but still...wow.
  3. Guess I should brag on my lady a little... She has zero interest in football, but because she knows how big a fanatic I am, she signed up for NFL Mobile text alerts of Panthers news (not accounting for the fact that I might have already signed up for them myself). For a while there, shortly after I'd get an alert like "Panthers sign Jerricho Cotchery", I'd get a text message a minute or so later from her saying "Hey did you hear that the Panthers signed wide receiver Jerricho Cotchery? He used to play for the Jets." I played along for a while, then one day turned to her and asked "So how are you enjoying NFL Mobile?" She burst out laughing Told her I appreciated the thought. She and my game watching buddy's wife have decided they will be football widows together.
  4. You read comments on the Observer's website? My word, man. Do you have no regard for your brain cells?
  5. So Richardson reached out to him afterward and apologized for the oversight. The team has since altered their policies to ensure something like this doesn't happen again. But he's still upset because... How exactly did they 'move on'? Was this past October not still Breast Cancer Awareness Month?
  6. Yep. I think he sits hoping and praying for something bad to happen just so he has the opportunity to come on and bash the team. Probably giggles like a schoolgirl whenever he has the chance to type "Gettledouche". His posts are pretty much worthless. It's just the same garbage over and over again. You'd think the team kicked his dog or something. He'd be better served to just go ahead and become a Saints fan. Maybe someone on their board will be interested.
  7. Well, to be fair, a football team is probably more in nature like a fraternity than a traditional business. That said, the whole notion of expecting other people to do certain things to mourn for your lost loved one does kinda strike me as being more about you than the person you lost. Focusing on his mother though, the team (and the league) made a pretty big deal out of her with the breast cancer awareness campaign. Does this story negate that? Not to me. Others may feel differently.
  8. It is honestly kind of irrational to hate a football player for not being as good as other players. And Bell was a guy whom everybody pretty well agrees always gave it his absolute best effort. I have no animosity for him. As a fan though, I am glad when a player who wasn't good enough for the job is set to be replaced by (hopefully) someone better.
  9. General consensus would definitely be that he's been declining. That said, to put something less than your best effort out there because you're mad about something is cutting off your nose to spite your face. If I recall correctly, he dedicated this past season to her. If you're going to do something like that, wouldn't it then make sense to give it your best all out effort?
  10. It's the only thing he has to contribute, pretty much the same bit in every post. If we win the Super Bowl three times in a row, he'll likely still come on here and say the same stupid crap.
  11. Can't trade a free agent. I feel bad for him. By all accounts he's a great guy and a great teammate. But the reality is he wasn't a good enough player, and you can't be sentimental on these decisions if you want to win.
  12. You forgot to mention the guy who used to claim he had sources inside the Panthers until his continually incorrect predictions proved that whole act was phony. Since then, he's been the primary "I hate Jerry Richardson" guy on here. Maybe it's an attempt to deflect attention from his past history. Who knows? Amused that he's still spouting the 'blackmailed the city' bit too. He claimed Richardson was threatening to move the team. I showed him several examples where it was reported that Richardson said he never wants to move the team. His response was basically "well, it still happened" I recall you saying something like he asked them to dedicate the season to her and they declined. Was that it or did I misremember? As to the whole story, if Richardson didn't reach out to him that's a shame. I'd like to know more of the story, but the team doesn't generally respond to stuff like this so who knows if we'll hear.
  13. Guessing he's been told they're not going to re-sign him.
  14. Valid point. There's an old saying that you don't want to be the guy that replaces a legend, but it's good to be the guy who replaces the guy who replaced the legend. There's a lot of truth to that.
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