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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Jonathan Jones says it happened prior to the Combine.
  2. The guy who created it did (see a few posts above).
  3. Which, sadly, is his own fault. Gettleman praised him like crazy in his presser. Calling him a "pro's pro", all of which sounds pretty funny now. If he'd left well enough alone...
  4. He does have roots (and family) in Ohio. Would be no shock to see him give them a look see. Now if you were basing it purely on football factors...
  5. He could also just say "I don't know". He did state plainly that he had not seen it. The one logical reason I could see (other than waiting to get paid) why someone would sit on this could be for legal repercussions. If this does indeed show Bryant doing something for which he could be arrested, you'd have to be extremely careful what you did with it. The police aren't big fans of people who have evidence of a crime and don't share it. Bottom Line: This whole story is weird.
  6. Is it valid to think that if it weren't something criminal, he'd have just said so?
  7. People have said they're close because they've worked together, but yeah, she's being used here. Wonder if she sees it that way.
  8. Oh for the love of... This is like watching a third grader try to come up with cover for a bad lie.
  9. My first take on that was that they told him that to be nice rather than just saying "you're not that good anymore". But I'll grant it's possible they could have been straight up with him and he could have made that up. He'd have to know Gettleman isn't the type to come out and correct something of that sort.
  10. Or treating him badly. That's the weird part. In today's media culture, nobody sits on anything. There's so much competition to be the first one to "break news" that people will run with stuff even if they don't have corroboration. So what possible reason would there be to hold back on something like this?
  11. Perhaps to a logical person. Having seen the hubbub surrounding Ray Rice, Greg Hardy, Adrian Peterson, etc, how much of the reaction would you expect to remain 'logical'?
  12. If it's something from his pre-NFL days, that's gonna be an absolute nightmare for the League. A tape as bad as people speculate would be a huge black eye for the NFL, but how do you punish him for something he did before he was a part of the organization?
  13. How bad is it when you make a parody of something and people end up liking it as that thing you're trying to parody?
  14. Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but realistically it would mean there's zero chance of him ever playing here. If this tape really exists and it's as bad as described, good chance the NFL doesn't let him play anywhere for quite a while.
  15. Depending on who you ask, you're not necessarily that far off.
  16. Speaking of brain surgeons... The most unbelievable idiots on the internet
  17. And this guy? Not exactly a brain surgeon... Photos that are so painfully awkward you can feel it Seriously. Who wears stuff like this out in public?
  18. From the same link, Alex Trebek
  19. Yes, that's who you think it is... Photographs that shatter your image of famous people
  20. "Soon..." Eleven of the most evil pets ever
  21. Much as I like both you guys and don't doubt your knowledge, I hate when people do the "I know stuff...but I can't tell" thing. Drives me nuts But hey...
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