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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. You mean every other team isn't five deep in all stars at every position?
  2. This should provide you with some entertainment.
  3. Guys still sign with the Browns and the Raiders. Sometimes it's just money. Sometimes it's "sure they suck, but signing me makes them contenders".
  4. And that's probably the full extent of the action they'll take.
  5. As a receiver, not a returner. But the point is still valid.
  6. Eh. If we don't get him, I won't scream. This is one of those where I'm cool either way.
  7. When have facts or logic ever mattered to those posters?
  8. I hear the sign at the state line says "Welcome to Montana. There's nobody here."
  9. Probably not us. Would be willing to bet nobody gets caught or punished. Likely just some cage rattling by the league so everyone knows they take tampering seriously.
  10. But I signed Randall Cobb, Torrey Smith, Andre Johnson and Percy Harvin on Madden. If I can do it, why can't they?
  11. It's quoted above. Basically this year's free agency determines next year's picks. Best analogy I could give is think of it like your utility bills that bill a month ahead. (or just read Voth; he knows it better than me)
  12. He's an exclusive rights player. We're the only team that could sign him.
  13. Also word the Jags are getting a tackle on the other side of the LOS. Jared Odrick is expected to sign with Jacksonville. Apparently the acquisition of Suh made him an odd man out.
  14. Just the opposite. Per Voth, signing them before the free agency period starts means they won't figure in the compensatory pick formula for this year. (I guess this means they count as part of last year's transactions)
  15. All correct, but good luck getting people to see that.
  16. West Virginians are generally familiar with at least one John Denver song
  17. Correct. And while he offers nothing as a punt returner, he actually has been decent as a third or fourth receiver. Made some clutch first down catches for us last year. Of course, something being pointless has never stopped people on here from advocating it
  18. I've heard both. Point being regional phrases are regional.
  19. 'Montana sky' is a phrase, not a color. It's primarily used by people in...Montana.
  20. Looks like the Raiders might finally land somebody. Word is they've agreed to terms with Chiefs center Rodney Hudson.
  21. The first guy is referencing a guy named Vincent Frank who writes for Bleacher Report and contributes to Forbes. Anything's possible, but I'm still not buyin' it.
  22. Twitter account says he's a sports radio guy in Houston. Seriously doubt he has the kind of connections it would take to get that big a story before anyone else.
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