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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. You miss the reality Zod posted this thread to troll some of the dimmer light bulbs on the forum. They've responded pretty much as expected, and others like me have gotten a chuckle out of it, and even got in a poke or two ourselves. They show themselves for who they are, yet still walk away thinking they're smarter than those with an optimistic outlook. In other words, they don't get it.
  2. So getting to the final eight out of 32 teams is 'not even close'. Right
  3. Also wrong, but that's not unusual for you either.
  4. Wrong again, but no shock there. Weren't you the one pushing for us to start Godfrey last year?
  5. I'm smart enough to know that even if we win the next three Super Bowls, you'll still be whining and bitching about something. It's the only thing you seem to know how to do.
  6. He has the physical tools, but relying on less than smart receivers has burned us before.
  7. Pretty sure they all did last year too. And yet somehow we still managed to get our best rookie class ever.
  8. So well have our nest rookie class ever, win the division and make the playoffs again? Cool.
  9. And yet even with that, we made the playoffs. In part because we had our best rookie class ever. And I'm not sure if anyone told you, but we get to draft again this year.
  10. Yeah. Back to back division championship years says 'joke'
  11. I think you wouldn't have the first clue what makes a good GM (other than what you learned running your Madden franchise).
  12. You asked when we last got close to the Super Bowl. I explained it. You clearly don't get it.
  13. We made the playoffs the last two years in a row, and in both cases made it to the second round. That puts us within two games of the Super Bowl and ahead of 24 other teams in back to back seasons.
  14. Just as well, cause nobody else wants you to be one either.
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