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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. I'm trying to remember the last time there was a player the Raiders wouldn't touch. I had a feeling he might have a rough time in the post Ray Rice atmosphere, but it's starting to sound like it might be even harder than I thought. Maybe things will change after the word comes down on his suspension from the Commissioner.
  2. That one hurt. I was amazed he wasn't cut on the spot.
  3. Well yeah Rodgers path is kinda unique in today's NFL, though. He got several years worth of prep in before getting his shot to start. These days, if a guy isn't an established starter by his second or third year on the league, people think he's a bust. I think that sucks, but that's the way it is now.
  4. Not really, but that has little to do with what you're posting anyway.
  5. Oh the irony Look for attention elsewhere, kid. I've already given you more of mine than it's worth.
  6. I think it'd have to be a long long way into free agency before that becomes an option. (definitely post draft, probably close to training camp at least)
  7. Nah, there's plenty of rebuttal available. It's just not worth arguing with a twelve year old whose best comeback is the equivalent of "I know you are but what am I". It's boring. Declare victory to your heart's content, kid. You've still got nothing. (and quick FYI, this site requires you be over 18)
  8. The talk coming out of Oakland is borderline hateful toward Hardy.
  9. See, I gave you some options to help you out, but instead you responded like a petulant teenager. Sounds last ke I may actually have overestimated your age. You've got nothing to say, kid.
  10. He has been great for that, hasn't he?
  11. I hate to burst your bubble kid, but you dont have the firepower to shoot down a paper airplane. It's clear you know next to nothing about the business side of football. A lot of people don't so that can be forgiven, but you'd be wise not to act like you do because it makes you look bad when you get stuff wrong. I'm guessing you're in the 13-14 age range based on the silly argument that Gettleman deserves no credit for anything good but all the blame for everything bad. That's dumb, but not surprising coming from someone that age. You should grow out of that (I hope). But the lack of knowledge about the team though? That's pretty bad. Near as I can tell, you didn't even watch much - if any - of last season. How can you not know who guys like Andrew Norwell, Mike Remmers and Philly Brown are? Are you only interested in one player? It's a team sport, kid. But even if your focus is mostly on the QB (which happens) Newton isn't going anywhere for, at the very least, the next three years. And if he has to play under the franchise tag, given that he'll be getting paid a pretty hefty sum, I doubt he'll feel all that bad about it. My personal expectation is they'll get a deal done next offseason, but it could happen even during the season. Who knows? Bottom Line: Newton isn't going anywhere for a while, so you can quit panicking.
  12. Kid, you have no idea how this stuff works in the real world
  13. Probably, though I think Bush still believes he's a number one. (so does Trent Richardson)
  14. Saw that. Loads of people had him being a Patriot.
  15. Good analogy If they'd have had message boards back when Vince Papale played, I wonder how many Philly fans would have freaked out that the Eagles kept him around for three years. The fun too is that people are actually freaking out about the fifth receiver on the roster, a kid who's highly unlikely to be used on special teams again (especially given that the coach who prepped him for duty isn't in that position anymore) assuming he even makes the roster at all. Reality is there are probably a hundred or so guys that make an NFL roster by the skin of their teeth on an annual basis. The vast majority of them might last a year, maybe two at the lost. Many of them won't even finish a full season, and if they do it could be shuttled back and forth between the 53 and the practice squad. Bersin is one of those guys. He had a year's run on a professional football team, and he might get another, but in all likelihood he won't. He'll end up another of those guys that got to live the dream for a year or so, then moved on to a normal life. And good for him. But he's one of a hundred guys who'll do that all across the league. And freaking out about that is pretty silly.
  16. See, it doesn't help your cause when I have to explain basic football concepts in each response. See, the whole purpose of training camp and preseason is player evaluation. Roster and depth chart decisions are made based on camp performance. the guy who owns this forum went to quite a bit of it last year, and even without being a professional he saw how well guys like Norwell, Philly Brown and others were doing. And let's be clear, nobody held a gun to the GMs head and told him to draft Benjamin. It was a choice, as are all draft picks. Two rounds later, we went with a guard and later on, a runningback. Again, all by choice. And if Newton leaves, it will be because the two sides couldn't come to agreement. But that's not really a possibility for at least three years, thanks to the franchise tag. And yes, that can be applied even if the player doesn't like it. happens all the time with every team in the league. And no, that's not a serious question. It's the kind of question a teenager asks when he's losing an argument.
  17. Well if ya wanna go to the stats... A total of 449 players caught passes in the league this past season. Bersin's tally of 13 receptions means he caught more passes than 208 of them. Among those are the names Denarius Moore, Ricardo Lockett, Jacoby Jones, Dri Archer, Bruce Ellington and..DeAngelo Williams. Yardage? Bersin had 113 total. That puts him ahead of 188 guys, including Frank Gore, Zach Miller, Khiry Robinson and again, DeAngelo Williams. He was two shy of matching yards with Denarius Moore, but Bersin has a TD on his stats. Moore does not. So...Worst receiver in the league? Not even close.
  18. you're down on Norwell, Remmers and Stewart? Kid, did you even watch last year's games? And no, by half the draft I mean half our picks. For example, our first and third picks this past draft were used on a wide receiver and a guard. Both of those are on offense, just to be clear. As to the last paragraph, yeah...you don't know much about how this works in the real world, do you?
  19. You do realize that if you tag him, he can't walk away, right? A pretty solid percentage of the guys who get the tag wind up signing long term with their team. That's why teams use it.
  20. You're proving that last statement pretty clearly today.
  21. The NFL Draft has a lot of good receivers in it this year.
  22. Hardy was specifically tagged to be a one-year rental, but that situation blew up because of his personal life. And unless you think Cam's going to have a domestic violence incident this offseason, those are extremely different situations. So no, I don't find myself agreeing with you.
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