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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. He's trying to say "nobody worth listening to" is complaining about Gettleman. (I speak typo)
  2. Frank Gifford talks about the legendary hit he took from Bednarik (link)
  3. Kudos to Voth. He is literally the only source with any info on this. Well...him and Soul Rebel
  4. If I recall correctly, we have 11 million, but we want to keep a cushion of around 7 million. Should there be a need, other moves could be made to clear cap space. The idea is to plug holes so that we can take whoever is the best player available. That would still include the possibility of a receiver.
  5. Direct comparison between the two, nah. And if you look back, you'll see I didn't say that. I just pointed out that Cotchery has a job while Nicks is unemployed and let the nimrods run with it. But what I would say is that Nicks really isn't all that good anymore, and I think most of the folks not looking through the UNC homer glasses know this. The larger story though isn't that Nicks is not as good as some of the fans think he is. It's that Nicks is not as good as he thinks he is. If you're looking for the actual reason why he's unemployed right now, that's probably a pretty big part of it.
  6. What you wrote loosely translates to "I have a tattoo of Lady Gaga's nostrils on my left testicle." I think your understanding of the language needs a little work. (unless that's what you were trying to say)
  7. Happy to help. I generally have a good eye for which posters are lacking in their football knowledge
  8. Lemme fix that to reflect your recent posting patterns...
  9. And yet Cotchery has a job. Who's Nicks playing for again? I mean, he must be in high demand, right?
  10. Neither place And I actually have nothing against UNC. I'm just trolling a dolt who doesn't know what he's talking about.
  11. Oh sure. i mean he almost matched Jerricho Cotchery's numbers from last year.
  12. A guy pushing UNC talking about academics WVU has a player who'll likely go in the top ten, and quite probably the top five, of this year's draft. Where's the highest UNC draft prospect expected to go?
  13. Nah. Bruce Irvin. If you need help distinguishing the two, Irvin is the one who... - actually won his Super Bowl ring in this century / millenium - isn't a crackhead - never got caught with an underage prostitute - went to a school that isn't mired in numerous academic scandals - went to a school whose football team competes in an athletic conference vastly superior to the ACC Hope that helps you understand who I meant.
  14. One of the toughest men to ever play the game... When the NFL put out their Top 100 tackles list some years back, it was Bednarik putting a hit on Frank Gifford that ranked number one. Bednarik was 89.
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