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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Saints are checking out Anthony Spencer. And hey, what happened to our resident updater, NCPsa10? Anyone know?
  2. And here's what we did with them... 2nd Round (48) QB Jimmy Clausen 3rd Round (78) WR Brandon LaFell 3rd Round (89) WR Armanti Edwards 4th Round (124) DE Eric Norwood 6th Round (175) DE Greg Hardy 6th Round (198) WR David Gettis 6th Round (202) S Jordan Pugh 6th Round (204) QB Tony Pike 7th Round (223) CB R.J. Stanford 7th Round (249) CB Robert McClain Worth remembering we had no first rounder because of the prior year's trade up for Everette Brown. And then Hurney proceeded to trade away next year's second (which turned out to be pick 33) to get Armanti Edwards. That draft became the lead in to our worst season since 2001. I'm sorry I looked that up
  3. Oddity of the system... One of the players we were compensated for losing is Ted Ginn.
  4. Because we didn't start seeing improvement in some areas until injuries made the decisions for him. Williams over Stewart, Amini over Norwell, championing guys like Fua and Bell, etc. Those are the sorts of things that give me pause.
  5. I want Rivera to be good. I hope he'll be good this season. I'm just not yet convinced that he isn't in the "better coordinator than head coach" class of guys. He's certainly not a total basket case. He obviously inspires loyalty in his players, and they go to he wall for him. Plus he's arguably one of the best defensive schemers in the league. And while he may not own Peyton, he's at least got a lease with an option to buy. In the areas of player evaluation and clock management though, oy Bottom Line: I'm hoping to see positive strides this season. Hoping really, really hard...
  6. Understood. I kind of am too. I've gotten some interesting answers out of this thread, though. Kudos to the respondents.
  7. I'm kinda hoping we don't use our sixth on a runningback this year. Taking sixth round runningbacks in the past few drafts hasn't gone so well.
  8. Good answer, but one question. Does the defense absolutely need him to become 'elite level' in your estimation? Are there others who could also make that happen, maybe in a later round?
  9. But do we have a 'coverage' type safety in the fold with him (or without him, for that matter)?
  10. Even when coverage issues have been an Achilles heel for this defense?
  11. Keeping Hardy was never really financially possible. I knew that the day I heard he'd turned down an offer for 8 million a year. But beyond that, you have to keep in mind that the climate in the NFL took a hard left turn with the Ray Rice story, and frankly the league is still reeling from it. Anybody with a domestic violence rap against them is gonna find it tough sledding. Heck, Hardy's off field shenanigans scared the Seahawks (a team whose brain trust obviously knows how to win the big games) and the Raiders (a team with loads of money to send) out of pursuing him. And the team that did is taking a load of bad press right now. This is how it's gonna be in the post Ray Rice NFL. And let's be real. Regardless of how you feel about his guilt or innocence, Hardy is a guy who's shown plenty of bad judgement in his history. It was pretty clear to anyone who heard Gettleman say "who needs a time bomb" that he had Hardy in mind as one of those. So it wasn't gonna happen anyway. Heck, I loved Hardy's on-field 'Kraken' persona as much as anyone, but it just wasn't meant to be. And no, losing him will not cripple or doom this team as some have suggested. Defense is still a team effort. Yes, what he could do on the field might be difficult to replace... ...but it's not impossible.
  12. You give yourself way too much credit. Once in a while, I feel the urge to point out silliness and stupidity. You just happen to be a frequent poster of that sort of material. And again, if you hadn't gone to the trouble to build yourself up as a phony insider, that issue wouldn't be here to discuss, would it?
  13. Fair enough, but it is legit that many of the DBs drafted from that program (Barron, for example) haven't proven to be good in the pros. What makes Collins different?
  14. Your mistake is thinking I care what you believe. I care what Voth believes. I care what Igo believes. Heck, I even care what Person and Jones believe because those guys are all legit. And I care what numerous posters on here who have shown themselves to be knowledgeable and reasonable believe. You, I only talk to to point out how off the mark your posts are, such as your supposed proof that Richardson threatened to move the team. Thus, I don't care if you change because I already know what you say can't be trusted or taken seriously.
  15. Gotcha. What's your response to the folks saying Alabama DBs are overrated?
  16. What your opinion is, is not fact. Stop acting like it is and maybe that'll help. And the phony source thing, again, you did to yourself. Frankly, I'm not really sure how you thought you'd get away with that.
  17. Pretty sure compensatory picks never go higher than the third round.
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