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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Remind me: Is this writer the same guy who wrote something completely wrong a while back and then disabled the comments after multiple people corrected him? If it isn't, somebody remind me who that was.
  2. As to Tillman, can't help wondering if maybe they want him to be for the corners what Roman Harper has been for the safeties.
  3. Cason looked okay early in the season, but it didn't take long for him to start looking bad.
  4. Chicago paper said Tillman was at the game too.
  5. It's more likely to hit you...very hard.
  6. Being reported that Stevan Ridley has signed with the Jets.
  7. You'd have to ask me again once I got over the shock. That would be a huge surprise.
  8. I get the feeling Jeff McLane might be right about GM Chip.
  9. I have little doubt that the Panthers have checked him out quite thoroughly. I would say they still believe he can contribute, but they may not believe he's worth what he might be asking for. Again, all of this is speculation.
  10. I'm not talking about stats. I'm talking about how much of a threat he was. I agree it isn't necessarily fair to him.
  11. Everette Brown, my word That's one of those names I don't even like to be reminded of.
  12. Drafting a player where you have a need is not a bad thing in and of itself. It's when you draft a guy who's really only good enough to be taken in the 2nd or 3rd round in the first because you 'need that position' that you screw up.
  13. He didn't get the same results. And fair or not, teams will look at that.
  14. My guess is teams want him to prove that he's still the Packer version of himself, not the Viking version. May or may not be fair, but I think that's the mindset.
  15. My guess at this point is that, wherever he signs, it'll be a one year deal where they'll ask him to prove he's worth something longer.
  16. This was it... Joe Person ‏@josephperson .@GregJennings tweeting he has a deal done. I'm told it's not with #Panthers.
  17. I think if there's a hangup with Jennings, it might actually be the length of the contract rather than the money. He's indicated he wants a 'finish my career' contract, but at this point nobody's likely to offer more than a one year deal.
  18. He sort of did. Like everyone else, Person bought in to Jennings one day early April Fools gag that he had a 'done deal'. He likely called the Panthers to ask if they'd signed him (which of course they hadn't) and took that to mean Jennings was signing elsewhere. Honestly, it was a logical conclusion given the circumstances, so I can't fault him much for that.
  19. He has no clue what he's talking about. The fact that he's scared of the Giants and Texans shows that clearly. He's one of these 'I hate Gettleman because he dumped Steve Smith' yahoos that nobody even pays much attention to anymore. I'm sure if we win the Super Bowl he'll still come in and say it wasn't good enough
  20. So it's too early to tell if they're good, but you can already tell they're bad. Riiiiight. He wants to call them busts after one year, but says it's too soon to call anybody 'good'. It's a pretty silly argument.
  21. Compare our roster two tears ago with what we have now. Heck, compare prior drafts when we weren't even hitting on second and third round picks. Biggest factor of all for me, though? in the prior eighteen years of this team's history, we've gone to the playoffs four times, and never in back to back seasons. In only two years as a GM, Gettleman has already reached the playoffs half as many times as our entire history before him, and the first time in consecutive seasons. If we make the playoffs this year, it'll only take one more appearance to equal that record. You don't accomplish that without solid choices.
  22. I'd hardly call Philly Brown 'meh'. What Gettleman has done is get good value out of the vast majority of players he's acquired. That's what good GMs do. No one hits on every pick, but his record so far is better than you're giving credit for.
  23. Exactly how many 4th to 6th round picks do you think typically turn into all-pro starters in their first two years? The roster is 53 guys, with only 22 of them starting. Lower round guys that GMs 'hit' on in the draft tend to wind up as quality backups and special teamers. More than that is gravy. Boston flashed potential last year and Klein has been a contributor on special teams and a solid backup linebacker. As far as what else they could be, it's still largely unknown at this point, so your writing them off is premature. And you still haven't address the mention of our undrafted guys.
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