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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Something I wish more people understood...
  2. Loads of athletes are catered to their entire lives. By the time they get to the pros, they believe they're entitled to it. The world revolves around them. For guys like that, when the time comes that they actually have to face real consequences for their actions, it often doesn't go well.
  3. Worth remembering that the length of the suspension doesn't automatically mean he's reinstated after ten games. The commissioner has the choice of whether to reinstate you at that time or not. Hardy and his people wanna consider that before putting stuff like that out there.
  4. I'm not surprised that he was suspended, but the length of it is a bit of a shock. I was expecting four games (a compromise between the two that Ray Rice got and the six for first time offenders under the new policy).
  5. I'd bet on it being way more than the NCAA knows about.
  6. On Outside The Lines (ESPN) they pointed out that this is a different story than the one he told Jimbo Fisher at the time he story first broke, the story which Fisher then related to reporters. The original story was that he was used to a different type of store so he got confused and didn't realize he hadn't paid for the crab legs. To be honest, that's a pretty farfetched story. The employee hookup sounds much more believable. Now, it's plausible to think that the reason behind the original story could have been to keep from getting the employee in trouble. But yeah, it's also possible he's just lying and couldn't keep his story straight. The truth? Honestly don't know. The one thing I do know is that the kid has shown a fair share of bad judgment. What the Bucs have to decide is if it's a case of 'young and dumb' or 'just plain dumb'.
  7. Should they have evaluated Lawrence Phillips? Nobody changes anything when they're suspended. Putting a risky guy in an important position on your team is not smart.
  8. Taking a guy who's a suspension risk is not "caring more about winning". As Gettleman said, it's hard enough building a roster without worrying that a key player is a 'time bomb'.
  9. Before their most recent episodes, people wanted us to trade high picks for them. We've got some folks on here that are more obsessed with 'bad boys' than teenage girls. Every time some yahoo gets in trouble or gets suspended, they're on here in a heartbeat ready to go after him. Heck, we had people who wanted Titus Young, for pete's sake
  10. And then if he gets suspended, (stupid) people will be screaming for us to trade a first rounder for him.
  11. Joseph Addai, that's it. And wouldn't I have to remember the name to compare it?
  12. Reminds me of another guy whose name escapes me. He was drafted by the Colts the same year we picked DeAngelo Williams. As I recall, some folks thought that we should have drafted him instead. Turned out we made the right choice. I don't think he lasted very long in the league. Remind me, who am I thinking of?
  13. Plus the drug concerns. He honestly seems like kind of a flake.
  14. You'd think he'd have to be. A sub 230 DE would be ridiculous.
  15. Bits and pieces from around the league... PFT reporting that DE Randy Gregory, who weighed only 235 at the combine, showed up for an individual team workout now weighing under 230.
  16. I'm sure everyone else sees an eagle in that graphic. I see a parrot.
  17. Don't remember. I know there was a story that he supposedly tanked a workout with another team, but I never bought that.
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