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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. And if you look back at Gettleman's prior drafts, you'll see he's drafted pretty evenly between those two sides of the ball.
  2. I don't know whether the timing of Hardy's suspension had anything to do with our getting the Thanksgiving game. If I'm being completely honest, I don't care. I'm happy we got it whatever the reason.
  3. Tony Pauline is saying that the Saints would be willing to trade up if they think they have a shot at Vic Beasley (reported in Rotoworld).
  4. Isn't getting Tannehill the better overall outcome though? Even at his best, I'm not sure Henne would have been as good as who you've got right now.
  5. Aaron Wilson reporting that Maurice Jones-Drew will sign a one-day contract to retire as a Jacksonville Jaguar.
  6. Gotcha. I purposely avoided choosing a player name as part of my username because stuff happens (like with Steve Smith, doe example).
  7. Agree we have two great DTs, but the guys behind them are getting up there. Would you disagree that it's very possible a defensive tackle could indeed be the BPA at 25?
  8. I agree the division is tougher this year (though I'm not really that sold on the Bills). Side question though: Isn't your user name a little out of date?
  9. That'd probably bring the idiotic "Gettleman wants to sabotage Cam" silliness up again. I wonder how many of the 'need more weapons' crowd understand that a dominant defense actually is a weapon for a young QB, and oftentimes can be their best friend. Ditto solid special teams. Defense isn't just about preventing the other team from scoring. It's also about getting the ball back in the hands of your offense. Likewise special teams is about putting your offense in the best position possible. Ya gotta look at the whole picture.
  10. The next highest vote getter had three and a half, less than half the votes Green-Beckham got. Point being any team that takes him is taking a big risk. There are others with just as much talent who don't have the baggage. People talk like we're passing on the next Jerry Rice. I don't buy it, and neither do these pro scouts.
  11. Up to you, man. But honestly I think you should at the very least admit that the "he should have gone Ray Rice on her" comment was poorly worded. You can talk context if you want but there really isn't any context that's gonna make that sound like a good statement. I don't believe that's your character, but if you wanna stand by that it could very easily give people the wrong impression.
  12. That's pretty thin, dude. Not to mention wrong, given that Hardy currently has a spot on an NFL roster and Ray Rice doesn't (many believe he never will again). I've seen enough of your posts to know you're not the kind of person who would support the idea that any woman deserves to get hit. Unfortunately, the things that you're posting in this argument make you sound that way. And I'm not the only one to say that in this thread. You really do need to take a step back.
  13. That's why I'm giving you the benefit of a doubt. You're writing some stuff here that's out of character for you. Like I said, breathe.
  14. Dude, you're letting yourself get way too worked up over this. For your own good, take a step back and breathe. You might wind up saying some things you regret.
  15. Does that kind of woman deserve to get smacked around? I certainly don't believe that's your intent, but this kind of response makes it sound like you think that.
  16. Rice only getting two games was never right, and regardless of motive, the NFL did the right thing by suspending him indefinitely. Even though he's officially reinstated, Rice is pretty much a pariah now. Meanwhile, Hardy has a contract and will get paid something this season, which is unlikely to happen for Rice. I'd definitely say Rice has it worse than Hardy at the moment.
  17. That's one thing that gets me. To hear people talk you'd think he was the greatest receiver prospect of all time.
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