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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. We're not talking about locking a guy up. We're talking about paying a guy a few million dollars and depending on that guy to play a significant role for our team. You can bet your ass I'm gonna have some pretty high standards for someone we'd be investing that much in.
  2. Mocking for the Browns can't be easy.
  3. Yeah...I'm not really worried about "embarrassment" debating someone who said something like this... And now it's "but I wasn't actually talking about DGB" You said something incredibly ignorant, and now you're spinning it with straw men and nonsense. Nice try.
  4. Dolphins pass on Todd Gurley for Parker.
  5. Makes too much sense. No way it'll happen.
  6. Oh the irony Oddly enough, you can also get a domestic violence rap by throwing pregnant women down stairs and dragging women by the throat. Oh sorry, was that too "straw man" for you?
  7. Unknown. I like the format of having reporters who actually cover the team making individual picks as opposed to one guy making the pick for every team, though.
  8. Giants guy took Ereck Flowers at 9. That'd sure shake things up.
  9. It's on ESPN, not WFNZ. Actually perked my spirits up too
  10. So you talk about a straw man argument, then compare five year olds stealing and high school kids cheating to an adult committing domestic violence? Yeah
  11. ESPN Reporters making the picks (David Newton makes ours).
  12. How about a scenario where a guy breaks down a door, shoves a pregnant woman down the steps and drags his girlfriend around by the throat? How does that one stack up?
  13. You actually think domestic violence is just one of those "dumb college kid" things? Wow.
  14. Oh sure. Hey, who among us hasn't hit a woman or two? Just a normal part of growing up, right?
  15. Pretty sure one incident of murder makes you a murderer and one incident of rape makes you a rapist. Funny how that works, huh? But hey, let's wait till somebody hits a woman at least three times before we start accusing him of being a woman beater. That's fair, right? (just when I think the posts on here couldn't possibly get any dumber...)
  16. Says the guy who posted "free Hernandez"
  17. Legally, no. But that doesn't mean it never happened. And if the story happened as they said, it tells me enough about this guy to know I don't want him anywhere near my football team.
  18. Charged, tried and found guilty actually.
  19. The article not only talks about the incident, but about attempts to intimidate the witness, which would make this even worse. Does this not matter? Or is that kind of behavior no big deal as long as you can play football?
  20. You read that whole story and the only thing you came out of it with is "charges weren't pressed"?
  21. Bob McGinn reported that the medical recheck results on RB Jay Ajayi have caused some teams to take him completely off their draft boards.
  22. I don't think it's thread worthy. Amusing though. While I'm no Teb0w fan, Captain Buttfumble looking down on anybody is worthy of a chuckle. And yeah, this really is the sort of thing the team would probably rather you not say to the press.
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