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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. A win made sweeter by Norv Turner's pregame comments. The 2003 opener against the Jags (touchdown, Ricky Proehl) was special too, as was the next week (blocked) against the Bucs. Honestly, 2003 was just full of great memories.
  2. The double overtime win over the Rams remains to this day the single greatest football game I have ever seen in over 40 years of watching football. I doubt anything short of a Super Bowl victory could ever top that for me.
  3. Beginning to wonder if the League might not be 'circling the wagons' against Brady and Kraft. In the past day or so, John Elway and Jerry Jones have both made statements supporting Commissioner Roger Goodell . Jones - whose team was busted for a salary cap violation not long ago and just had his newly acquired pass rusher suspended 10 games - praised Goodell for his 'fairness'. Wonder if we'll be hearing more statements like this in days to come.
  4. You're not helping yourself look any better here, ya know. The comparison is dumb, really dumb, as multiple people have told you in this thread. If you wanna keep running with it, all you're gonna accomplish is to make yourself look bad.
  5. And that relates to a guy who had a fight with his brother - something everyone who has a brother has done numerous times - how, exactly? As I and others have said, this is a really silly comparison.
  6. That's roughly like saying, "Anthony Hopkins and Pauly Shore are both award winning actors" and glossing over the fact that one has an Oscar and one has a Razzie. The case you made for equivalence of Wegher and Winston was lousy (and I'm being generous).
  7. I have no comment. I just wanted to quote what I think is the first ever use of the word "licentious" on this board.
  8. Pretty much, especially a highly drafted one. Swearinger was a second round pick in 2013. This would be equivalent to us cutting Kawann Short.
  9. Just wait till someone starts a crusade to end the national problem of brother vs brother domestic violence
  10. So likely we took a look, saw he was a head case and said, "Nah".
  11. Three strike rule likely would have gotten me before I ever made it to twelve.
  12. Heck, full on, knock down, drag outs... Regardless of how you feel about Winston (and I'm largely indifferent) any attempt to equate these two situations is pretty silly.
  13. As I understand it, this investigation was conducted solely by Ted Wells. Goodell did not take part in the actual investigation, only the judgment after it was done.
  14. Show me somebody who hasn't had a fistfight with their brother and I'll show you somebody who doesn't have a brother. Said it elsewhere: If fighting with your brother counted as domestic violence, my brother and I would both be in jail as habitual criminals.
  15. Word was that the Bucs were really interested in him.
  16. That's one possibility. The league didn't really spell it out (at least not that I've seen).
  17. That wouldda been funnier with Goodell on the left and Brady on the right
  18. I think it's two for each. Hardy's was a more serious offense.
  19. Not really. I find the topic interesting. I'm not the least bit "bent out of shape" on it, and I'm sure there are others who'd say the same. For me to get emotional about something requires that it be more important than just football games.
  20. So far, 34 people have cared enough to vote, and others have posted. And let's be real: this is the hottest topic in the NFL right now. I have no issue with it.
  21. Not that this will come as a shock to anyone... Kraft-Goodell relationship is "pretty much dead" Basically, "if you're not my b--ch, then I'm not gonna be friends with you at all".
  22. Florio actually had a good point on this, though. Remember when "ignorance was no excuse" with the Saints and Sean Payton? If that's the standard, how does Belichick come out of this unscathed?
  23. I'm fine with four. Gotta be remembered that it's not just for his part the deflations but also for non-cooperation with the investigator.
  24. You've got a pretty good understanding of all the cap stuff (demonstrated in several previous posts as well). Just curious: You do accounting or some such?
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