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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Worth noting that front loading is better for both sides. Us for cap reasons, Newton for something else. What a lot of teams have done with in the past is backload big contracts. The result was a load of money that made the player happy because he thought he'd get it, and made the team happy because they knew he wouldn't. We didn't do Cam that way.
  2. So 3.6 million in cap added over the past two days.
  3. High guarantee, but not the kind of blockbusting "blank check" contract that some were expecting. Good contract for both sides.
  4. Boy did this thread just take a hard left turn...
  5. Don't panic, guys. It's gonna happen. Just might take a little longer.
  6. Now Thomas Davis can get his extension.
  7. Just the opposite, actually. But I seriously doubt it's fully guaranteed.
  8. On to actual important topics... What I see in this is it shows the team being proactive rather than reactive. They're not waiting for other teams to set the market. They're paving their own road. I like it.
  9. If it were an AceBoogie thread, the content would be trollish and uninteresting. Face it. You were wrong. I seriously doubt you have the stones to admit it, but you're fooling yourself if you think everybody doesn't already know how dumb you look right now.
  10. There was a period of time last season when Newton looked neither healthy nor confident. A whole lot of us were worried that he was getting his confidence beaten out of him by all the hits and pressures that our unfortunately put together offensive line was allowing him. But then the late season changes to the OL came. and all of a sudden it looked like the light was turning on again. If he can go into this season with that same kind of feeling, I will be an extremely happy camper.
  11. On a Dave Gettleman team it is. I actually like Newton, but there are times when it's painfully obvious that he's a NASCAR reporter covering football.
  12. Way too easy to get caught up in 'highlight reel' catches. Consistency...
  13. ​Nah. Too many people would make the old "Examine your zipper" joke.
  14. ​In Voth's video, Ginn and Byrd both looked smoother. Take that for what it's worth, of course.
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