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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. You might wanna look at how he did last year.
  2. I suspect this one might have been photoshopped too.
  3. We've got loads of cap room in the coming years even after Newton's deal. By the way, how's Jimmy Graham these days?
  4. Have you actually read the Huddle? The pretty much universal take on Drew Brees when he got hid big contract was that he was being a selfish pick and his cap hits would wind up breaking the team (which they did). And Jay Cutler? Seriously? The entire board laughed hysterically at the Bears when they extended Cutler. He's a punch line here.
  5. Aaaahhh, peer pressure... And yet half of you still can't even get my name right :)
  6. Neither is Daryl Williams, apparently. (we can know this despite his never having played a down and the knowledge that Gettleman is a good drafter)
  7. Never happen, just like we'll never give Cam a good extension. Oh wait...
  8. I've seen nothing that indicates Lee Ward has previously been asked to play another position like TE. It's conceivable the Panthers might test him to see whether he can.
  9. Y'all are referring to the guy who said this? Oh yeah, screw that guy. What does he know about football?
  10. Gettleman has stated that he doesn't do position quotas. His approach to final cuts is to find the best 53. The big question will be whether Lee Ward is part of that.
  11. It's not unusual for a Coryell offense to have some flexibility between backup fullbacks and tight ends (sometimes even starters). Brockel fits the 'h-back' mold, but I'd say his true position is kind of a 'whatever back', i.e. he'll do pretty much whatever the coaches want him to. Truth be told, unless Ward shows he can do the same, thats an advantage for Brockel. This team looooooves versatility.
  12. I think there's at least some possibility that Mike Tolbert, Richie Brockel and Lee Ward are three guys fighting for two roster spots.
  13. Rookie FB Ward positioned for success I like this quote... And this one... More...
  14. If she had, I guess that would count as a 'no', but apparently she said 'yes'. The happy couple...
  15. As long as he's not doing it by using the Subway Diet, I'm okay with it.
  16. Ravens tight end Crockett Gilmore proposing to his fiance.
  17. I've been a Christian for over 40 years and the majority of my close friends are longtime Christians as well. I'm not a fan of stuff like this, and I sincerely doubt any of my friends would endorse it either.
  18. Everything you need to know... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCV6paTXyCU
  19. I pray for guidance on every major decision. And as much as I believe that God does indeed provide guidance, the majority of the time when I see Christians saying God told them to do something, what they really mean is one of two things: "Don't hold me accountable for my choices. Blame God." or... "You can't question any part of my decision because it's what God told me to do." One of the more frequent uses I've seen is in breakups, i.e. "God told me to break up with you and date this other girl". Yeah...Sure he did. I have zero respect for Christians who try to avoid responsibility or make their decisions unassailable by attributing them to God. "I prayed about it." Great. "God told me to do it." Yeah, right.
  20. I have no idea if Russell Wilson's faith is real or phony. I do know that in 40 years as a Christian, God has never once told me to date a certain girl or to hold out for a higher salary.
  21. I will freely admit I don't watch soccer and don't follow the World Cup, but that doesn't stop me from saying congrats to the US ladies for winning, Heck, if we won the world hide and seek tournament, I'd say "good job".
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