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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Oh, the irony! Yeah, there is someone who really ought to grow up, quit being butthurt and act like a professional. He wears number 89 and plays for Baltimore.
  2. It did get reported, by Bill Rosinski. And former teammate Drew Carter basically blamed him for ruining Keary Colbert.
  3. Why do you think teams kept dumping super talented guys like Terrell Owens and Randy Moss? And he can remain their inspiration, cause he said he'd quit if they traded him. People thinking there's even a remote chance of this happening are whistling in the wind.
  4. Check his stats for the first six games of last year too. Then check them for the last ten.
  5. Not your posts, sadly. Bottom Line: Steve Smith is a Raven, and all indications are he's never going to be a Panther again, not even for a one day retirement. If you're not happy with that, you'd best just deal with it because it's not gonna change. And since we're winning without him, I don't really care.
  6. At this point, he makes the roster better for about the first six to eight games of the season. We're already six games in. And calling other people emotional while you're pining for Steve Smith is irony at its best.
  7. I doubt he could accomplish any of that seeing as - per his own words - he'd quit the day he was traded.
  8. Prior statements about when and how old he was when he started cheering for the Panthers would indicate he's a high school kid. That probably helps explain why all of his arguments are based on emotion and he's resistant to logic.
  9. Listening to how he talks about the Ravens, I'm no longer convinced he's going to do that.
  10. No, he's not. I don't have much emotion myself when it comes to Smith, but I don't blame fans for being pissed about the shots he's taken at the organization that gave him his NFL chance and papered over a lot of his indiscretions. He has every right to feel that way.
  11. Maybe that's why he was born to be a Raven. Jeff Davidson approves.
  12. Other people's kids are obnoxious and undisciplined. Yours are playful and rambunctious.
  13. You should create a thread with his Instagram post about being "born a Raven" as well as his response to you and sticky it. That way all future suggestions about trading for Smith can be referred there.
  14. Were the referees also seven feet above you? I ask because apparently they didn't see it either.
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