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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. This is looking like some of our 2011 games.
  2. Hate to say it, but that sort of thing is more likely for a player his age.
  3. It wasn't gonna happen anyway. PFT reported a couple of teams called about it this week and got shot down. They were told "on no uncertain terms" that Smith wasn't being traded.
  4. Bengals losing to Pittsburgh. Also saw word that Le'Veon Bell has a knee injury. Might be a DeAngelo time in Steelers Land again.
  5. Arizona is losing to the Browns. Man, what's happening out there?
  6. I clicked into this thread just to see how many people were laughing and celebrating.
  7. They win and they can dress like the University of Maryland for all I care. Heck, Oregon even.
  8. Over the last few years, I've lost count of just how many people have despairingly posted "Why don't we do like the Colts?!" This is why.
  9. I'd agree... ...though there's still that part of me that remembers the team losing games they should have won.
  10. Remember prior years when we were worried about Newton being ruined by poor line play and such? You're watching it happen in Indy. I've argued with a couple of people that David Carr actually could have been a quality NFL quarterback if the Texans hadn't screwed him up. I'd call this evidence that that'strue, and sad. The graphic they put up on MNF a few weeks back about how many different linemen he's had was jaw dropping. Despite what some thought watching Indy draft multiple receivers, Ryan Grigson has done a horrible job building around his quarterback. Could he be beyond repair? If they don't fix the team's issues, yeah he could be. First step is firing Grigson.
  11. His twin brother already got banned. Won't shock me if they get this one too.
  12. Or is this more to your liking?
  13. A 10 game losing streak, including losses to the Titans and Redskins?
  14. The fit guys in tight pants running around on the field aren't enough?
  15. If "fandom should be revoked", it should probably be for people who have more allegiance to a player than they do to the franchise. That said, the whole "you're not a true fan if" bit tends to be kinda silly.
  16. Which tells me you don't know how this works in the real world. This isn't Madden. These guys don't disappear when the game ends. They're real people with real personalities, Sometimes those personalities don't get along with each other, and when the conflict gets big enough it affects how the team performs on game day. If you wanna say "well, they should just put that aside" then I'm guessing you've never held a real job with co-workers. Go try working effectively on a daily basis with someone you absolutely can't stand to be around and tell me how it goes. Smart team managers know that when situations like this occur, you generally get better results by removing the guy with the problem. That's what Gettleman did. And if you think Gettleman is the only guy Smitty had conflicts with, you're dreaming. In the grown up real world, sometimes there are people who don't get along well with much of anybody. When it's a football player, you can either expect everyone else to walk on eggshells around them or you can dump them. Ninety percent of the time, teams choose to dump them, and it's usually the right call. As it was here...
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