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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. I like Oher. He's done well this year. But man, his effort on that last play was horrible.
  2. You know what they say about wounded animals. I expect this second half to be a slugfest.
  3. Well, I doubt I'm alone in saying this is not at all what I expected this game to look like. That said, never never NEVER count the Packers out till the game is over. You can bet they will be going full throttle hurry up from the first play forward.
  4. Not what I saw at all. Looked to me like he couldn't believe this was happening.
  5. Philly got away with one. I wouldn't think he was old enough to get that call.
  6. His face before that play was one of complete bewilderment.
  7. Anybody else reading Aaron Rodgers' face on those close ups? I can't recall the last time I saw him look like that.
  8. For those who wonder why Peanut Tillman is a starter... That's why.
  9. Cam is still good for the occasional WTF throw. If it's gonna happen though, I'll take 'em like that one. Could be a lot worse.
  10. Guy was trying to pull Boston into the path of the ball. Sneaky bastard, but... Fail.
  11. Rodgers hardly ever misses a wide open guy. Might be in his head a little.
  12. Funchess was being interfered with when he caught that.
  13. Okay. Just saw the replay of Peppers "playing keep away". Yeah, that's a b--ch move.
  14. Nice tackle, Linsley. Unfortunately, you play Center.
  15. Hooooly s--t! Newton had that ball by just his fingertips!
  16. "59 yards to Jerricho Cotchery" Yeah, there's a phrase I'm not used to hearing.
  17. The playcall is made before the defense ever lines up. Cam could have audibled out. My criticism there is I'd prefer he'd have run again or gone play action rather than that I'll fated pass play.
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