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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. I remember feeling like Hitman was probably an ass.
  2. I know one report said they were looking to get something equivalent or close to the Stafford trade. Most people would probably agree that's too much to ask for Stafford but that surely wouldn't stop them from trying.
  3. From what I've read they have solid offers, just not as solid as they hoped after they saw what the Lions got for Stafford. Expecting that kind of haul for a guy they benched is probably a good indicator that they're not exactly thinking clearly on this.
  4. So now after what's been described as "intense backlash", the Post has edited the headline. Unfortunately, the first paragraph of the obituary still refers to Schottenheimer as someone who failed the lead his teams to the Super Bowl. Good Lord
  5. You think I'm trying to start another discussion about Watson here? Oy And dude, if the last word means that much to you, feel free. This argument is clearly a lot more important to you than it is to me.
  6. Makes me wonder how much fun Dan Snyder is having with Rivera in charge.
  7. I've been avoiding sports radio and TV since I didn't want to listen to endless blather about Brady and the Bucs, so I had no idea.
  8. Us trading only a seventh rounder for Deshaun Watson is possible. There was a time when I read shenanigans into everything too. Over time, I found out most of it was bullsh-t and the real stories were actually a lot simpler than I had imagined them to be. That's likely true here as well.
  9. I already tried thinking that I as a random guy on the internet knew more than people who were actually involved in things or had real inside information when I was younger. Luckily, I grew out of it.
  10. Are you? Neither of us knows. We're just speculating on what we read. the difference is you seem to think you have more insight than the people who are actually close to and covering the situation. Yeesh
  11. I'd find that idea a lot more credible if it happened sooner.
  12. I'm convinced that the word of people with actual inside sources is more valuable than that of random guys on the internet with conspiracy theories.
  13. Being reported now that he wants a say in roster and personnel decisions.
  14. Saw that. Pretty despicable of them. Whatever idiot wrote that headline should probably be fired.
  15. The report of the third team came at the same time as the report of the first two.
  16. They don't really need to drum up interest if they've already got three teams bidding, and those teams are said to have pretty firm interest. It does sound like the reason the trade isn't done yet though is because they're not happy with the offers those teams are making.
  17. It's a CBS national feed, not ESPN, but yeah.
  18. Multiple sources reporting this morning that he's passed away.
  19. It would actually make some sense from the Texans perspective. Even if you came away with a great pick package, you still traded away Deshaun Watson for draft picks. If you got another franchise quarterbacks in return though, that's different. Mind you, Wentz is nowhere near as good as Watson right now, but he used to be. Your selling point then becomes that the change of scenery will allow him to be great again. All that said, I'm not about to predict anything like that. It's plausible though.
  20. Long time NFL official Terry McAulay is critical of the current state of officiating and points to the last three games of the season as examples why.
  21. Actually had the same reaction when I saw that news. Could be unrelated, but it does raise an eyebrow.
  22. "The last of Marty" would be a valid answer.
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