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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Saw where that mock also has the Falcons getting Zach Wilson via trade-up. Ugh
  2. Yeah, I wouldn't call it a dream, just one of many options this offseason. Mind you, potentially a great option if we didn't have to give away too much, but also an unlikely one.
  3. I vaguely remember us having a teenage Redskins fan who was obsessed with Patrick Ramsey on here for a while. Kid annoyed the hell out of everybody. We were set to play against them and he wound up making a bet that there was no way we'd sack Ramsey. If we did, he'd leave the board. I think we sacked him on like the third play of the game
  4. I remember when his dad was setting sack records for the Giants. Wrong guy?
  5. It happens Easy mistake to make with similar sounding names. Your brain just kind of goes on autopilot.
  6. My former brother-in-law used to do a lot of investigative reporting of that sort.
  7. I don't really know that anybody's movks have been "pretty accurate" beyond picks one and two.
  8. I honestly won't be surprised if he's mocked to us several times between now and the draft. Doesn't really mean anything though.
  9. Asking price to move up in this draft might be their soul, yours and mine.
  10. We've got a few folks on here who seem like they're so dedicated to this idea that if he does get traded somewhere else, they're gonna start coming up with trade scenarios to pry him away from his new team.
  11. Would somebody actually pursue charges in this? Doesn't seem like that'd stick given that it's public, but I'm not a legal scholar. I will grant it looks pretty stupid.
  12. If someone like Fields or Lance fell to us at 8, we'd probably just take them.
  13. If we acquire a different quarterback or he's traded somewhere else, that'll be the end of the story. Until then, anything's possible. That said, I don't know that he's going to get traded at all. Based on what I've read, doesn't seem likely. And if the Texans do change their mind, we're not in a good position to make the best offer. Also, yeah the possibility of the Texans hanging on to him through a holdout does exist. As unlikely as it may sound, it is possible that they manage to reconcile with him on some level, or at least get him to agree to play even if he's not particularly happy.. I feel the likelihood of that last scenario is pretty small though.
  14. I'm not so sure of that. I can't recall ever seeing a time when the league had as many quarterback hungry teams as it does right now.
  15. Ravens Judon threatens to leak photos of ESPN reporter at a strip club No, it isn't David Newton. Via Andrew Bucholtz of AwfulAnnouncing.com, Ravens linebacker Matthew Judon has taken issue with the reporting of Jamison Hensley of ESPN.com. Judon’s ire has manifested itself in a specific and pointed threat. Judon vowed on social media to take specific action against Hensley if Hensley doesn’t apologize for something Hensley reported. “I’m waiting on your ESPN sourced apology or I’m leaking these photos I got with you in the strip club,” Judon said. The report from Hensley doesn’t seem to justify the extreme reaction from Judon. Hensley reported that the Ravens offered Judon a long-term deal in the range of $16.5 million annually and that Judon declined.
  16. Personal speculation: Somebody will get impatient.
  17. There's pretty heavy speculation that at least two, and probably three, of the teams ahead of us are going to take a quarterback. If just one team trades up with someone else, that's all four gone.
  18. Still say the penalties he got for a phantom false start and supposedly chucking the flag at a ref were bullsh-t.
  19. One thing I think is abundantly clear: Tepper wants the Panthers to be in the public eye. Thus he's open to reality show type programming Heck, besides All or Nothing, the team had their own reality type thing on site last offseason. Well, at least until the Cam Newton fiasco seemingly brought it to a screeching halt, which makes me think that there are some limits (they don't want to look bad). Lord knows Jerry Richardson wanted anything behind the scenes locked down tighter than Fort Knox, but Tepper really seems to enjoy the visibility of being in the spotlight.
  20. That's probably an appropriate image to use for this post.
  21. After seeing him at the Senior Bowl, I'm not sure I'd spend a seventh rounder on Jamie Newman.
  22. I'd say he's a bad person regardless of what he does with his money.
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