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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Well, this is actual news as opposed to just somebody saying the same thing people have already been saying a different way. From the Texans side, they might see this as progress given that prior to now he wasn't even answering their calls. But even with that said, he hasn't changed his tune.
  2. I'm deeply religious too, and while I respect my pastor, I wouldn't trust him to set my fantasy football roster, much less run an NFL team.
  3. I know the NFL was absolutely all in on Tepper. Heck, they gave Michael Rubin an inflated number and told him if he wasn't willing to pay that much he should probably just bow out. He did, and then the team didn't end up selling for anything close to the number they quoted to him.
  4. Richardson or the NFL? I ask because if I remember correctly, Richardson's son Mark was throwing support behind Ben Navarro.
  5. I'll say again what I've said elsewhere. What on God's green earth does Jack Easterby bring to the table that the Texans would be willing to keep him amidst all this when it's pretty obvious that firing him would be a huge step in the right direction? Heck, from what I've read, firing him would be a good idea even if none of this had ever happened.
  6. I'm guessing a certain someone will be along here sometime today and run with that.
  7. There's a name I'd forgotten. People thought he was gonna be a star but he didn't last very long.
  8. I honestly didn't know he'd been married before. (doesn't change anything, just something I wasn't aware of)
  9. Nah. I'm doing the thing where I'm getting a good laugh about how you have absolutely no clue
  10. Dude, you're an internet stranger. I don't really give a sh-t whether you believe me or not, though you could talk to the people I've spoken to privately and they would tell you. Truth is I'm extremely amused at the suggestion that It's important to me to be a big deal here. I share this to show just how dumbass that idea is. As for me, my life is pretty happy right now so you'll have to pardon me if internet strangers not liking my takes on football doesn't really make me feel bad.
  11. Wow You know, I don't typically share much personal stuff here other than with a few people I talk to privately, but I'll tell you a little something to shed some light on why your take is so asinine. This time about two years ago, I was sitting across from a doctor telling me that my internal organs were failing. I didn't even expect to live through last year, much less see this one. Now, while I still have health issues, I'm in better health than I was and my lady and I are in the process of getting a house together. But hey, forget all that. What really matters to me is being King Sh-t on a football message board Talking football is something I do for fun. Not sure why that's hard for people to understand other than that maybe being a big deal on a message board matters to them. It doesn't to me.
  12. Didn't you say the same things when we were talking about Newton being cut? Oy I don't give a sh-t about being King of the Huddle. I have a life. I do enjoy talking football but some folks don't seem to be able to handle someone having a different opinion.
  13. There weren't any ongoing consequences from the other stuff you're talking about. This is still talked about now because Seattle went from looking like a dynasty to looking lost. They're back to looking good now but still not what they once were. This is why it's a discussion.
  14. I don't really want to offer anybody the kind of trade packages that people have been talking about offering.
  15. We just got rid of Marty Hurney. Why would we want to continue his practice of letting emotions affect football decisions?
  16. Eehhh, I don't know about that. There's a big difference between "aggressive" and "any price".
  17. I'm not doing the painting. Not long ago, there was an SI article that broke the whole thing down. There was way more to it than just a simple on field scuffle.
  18. Insiders that have commented on the situation say draft picks alone won't cut it. General expectation is that we need to include a player on the level of Brian Burns or Jeremy Chinn, possibly more.
  19. "Any price" sounds like picks, players, stock options and our immortal souls.
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