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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Back when I was a member of management, I sat through a seminar with a labor lawyer talking about organized labor relations. I don't really want to be in management again.
  2. No argument on that, especially since Goodell took over.
  3. You still have to account for McNair though. For all we know, Caserio might have a perfectly reasonable take on things. But if McNair doesn't, here we stay.
  4. I think there's probably a fair amount of crossover between "The Patriot Way" and "Stockholm Syndrome". Looks like it might start falling apart with Brady gone though.
  5. "What the Texans should do" and "What the Texans will do" are two separate lists that probably don't have much of anything in the way of common items between them.
  6. They were winning. Nobody had nay leverage. The Texans have no such leverage, but that doesn't necessarily stop them from acting like they do.
  7. Granted. Don't think that'd stop the NFL from getting royally pissed about something like this though.
  8. Speaking of, are you familiar with the Appaloosa management model? Also, who does Scott Fitterer report to?
  9. As a plan, that could either be incredibly stupid or absolute genius. Giving who'd be executing it, I'd lean towards stupid. But if it works...
  10. Again, I didn't say it was the smart thing to do. Generally speaking, when there is a "smart thing to do", I expect the Texans to do the opposite.
  11. DeMaurice Smith encourages agents to collude with each other to aid player negotiations Gotta figure the NFL is not gonna be real happy about that idea, especially given that they were accused of collusion with regard to Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid.
  12. Appreciated, but the point was that I'm actually a lot better off than I used to be There's still concerns. My mother died at age 61. My brother died just after his 62nd birthday. I'm about to turn 54 and have a pretty similar health profile to the two of them. Being romantically attached to a nurse helps though. (especially when she watches my diet like a hawk)
  13. A couple of people have pointed out that Caserio spent years spent under Belichick, a guy who pretty much never gave in on anything. Even if Caserio did ultimately relent though, he'd still have to convince McNair.
  14. If they truly are committed to not trading him, then hanging on to him long enough for interested teams to go in other directions makes sense.
  15. Whether it's actually going to turn out good for Houston? No idea. That they see him talking to them as a positive as opposed to him not even answering their calls? Probably.
  16. I definitely believe McNair's ego is heavily involved here. Caserio's might be too. He likely doesn't want his reputation to hinge on him being the guy that traded away Deshaun Watson. That's actually part of why I think he won't be traded.
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