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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. The sense I get from what I've seen about him is that he's good but overpaid.
  2. I've seen a couple of other punters let go as well. My guess is that with the cap as tight as it's expected to be, any team paying a specialist more than minimum might look to save some money.
  3. His current general manager and head coach are looking at dumping him. And just to be clear, two, three, four or more people can independently come to the same conclusion. My conclusion that Bridgewater is a backup at best came from my own eyes, not someone else's mouth.
  4. Oddly enough, Josh Klein was saying he wouldn't mind us going after Thomas Morstead now that the Saints are letting him go (at vet minimum, of course). I'll grant that Morstead was probably one of the best punters in the league, but I'm fine sticking with Charlton.
  5. "Everybody's fault but Teddy's" isn't exactly a credible argument. I don't hate Bridgewater. Didn't hate Marty Hurney either. General accounts mostly put both of them as being nice people. Unfortunately, a lot of nice people aren't very good at their jobs. This post contains two examples of that.
  6. And here's one going in the other direction...
  7. Guess which one of us sounds "lathered up"? Hey @Verge, have you and I had a contentious conversation? I don't recall one.
  8. Doubt Verge would agree, but regardless, what in the world about that post sounds "lathered up"? I posted to help avoid people getting confused.
  9. Just for clarification, Zach not Russell. (given the thread topic, I could see it being confusing)
  10. Well, you know me. I tend to just follow along with what everybody else is saying
  11. People had been talking about all the pass rushers Wilson was going to face in the NFC West with Watt having joined the Cardinals. Throw in that he was already complaining about a lack of protection and getting out might have sounded like a pretty good idea.
  12. Tracking our prior friends as they move on to other pastures... Stop me if you've heard this one: A former Panther is visiting the Bills.
  13. They're trading Brees. No, they're not.
  14. Wilson named only four teams he'd be willing to waive his "no trade" clause for. We weren't one of them. The Saints and Bears were both on the list. I think the other two were the Cowboys and the Raiders.
  15. In that he can mathematically make it work or he's got actual spells like Harry Potter? "Capunderus!"
  16. If they trade for Wilson, the math to get them under the cap might be something that would make Pythagoras throw up his hands and walk away.
  17. Sileo mentioned the Eagles also, but it's Sileo so...
  18. Albert Breer was one. Bill Voth and Darin Gantt, who both not only report on the Panthers but are employed by them, have also acknowledged that the pursuit of Stafford happened. I'd add that unless you're in your mid-fifties or older I've likely been watching the NFL since before you were born. I have no trouble forming my own opinions. My opinion of Bridgewater is that he's best suited to be a backup.
  19. It wasn't anonymous. It came from very credible sources. You on the other hand are both anonymous and a non-established source, so what reason would I have to believe you?
  20. We almost did, and actually would have if not for the Rams coming along with a better offer. That's been confirmed by more than one source.
  21. That's not hard to imagine. I have yet to see a business, government or other model that can account for or stop the ill effects of the human ego. Doesn't matter how perfect a system you come up with. If it's run by people, it can be screwed up.
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