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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. This could be where the Raiders go for their temporary quarters solution.
  2. Well, technically it's about us playing like sh-t, so...
  3. Don't know how well researched this is, but if it's accurate, yikes
  4. Not if you play for the Dolphins...
  5. Stewart and Rhule go way back. That was discussed during his time working with us. Most recently he was the Patriots Director of Pro Personnel (had a lot of history in New England too)
  6. Additional breakdown from Joe Person: Side Note: Lemme tell ya, it was a nightmare trying to get all of these to embed
  7. Yikes Yes, Newton was a great teammate, or at least he became one. There were definitely some stories from his rookie season that were somewhat less than complimentary. And based on what Charles Johnson says, it sounds like there are more yet to be told. On the mic though, Newton was always that friend who made you cringe when he started talking. Lots of us have had friends and acquaintances that we knew meant well but for whom we often had to apologize and/or clarify what they meant. Unfortunately, that's Cam. When he started making his journey toward becoming a talking head, It would be one that had its fair share of bumps in the road. Looks like we've hit one And yes, Smith can certainly be one to shoot his mouth off as well, but it doesn't exactly sound like he's alone in his viewpoint here.
  8. Nope. That season ended with the NFC Championship. The Super Bowl never happened. That's how I remember it. That's how I will always remember it
  9. I'm hoping we get back to the Super Bowl someday. It's a shame we haven't been there since the 2003 season
  10. Okay, so I gotta talk about what happened at our house yesterday Getting Lady Cowboy Fan's family together is always a recipe for something...interesting. Sunday was no different, and it got going with some pre Super Bowl rounds of Pictionary. Lady Cowboy Fan's daughter-in-law was given a word to try and artistically convey for her team and went right to it. Her initial concept drawing consisted of a big, horizontal, potato shape at the bottom with a thin shaft sticking up out of it that rounded at the other end. If you're picturing something a bit phallic looking, you've got the idea Her eleven year old son definitely got that idea, since right there in front of his mom, dad, grandmother (LCF), other grandmother, me and everyone else, he started shouting out "PENIS! ITS A PENIS! A PENIS!" I like to think of myself as a wordsmith, but the anguished look on his mom's face was something I doubt i could sufficiently put into words even if you paid me a trillion dollars to try. And it didn't get much better when her mom - also in attendance - yelled out "MELISSA, YOU ERASE THAT DRAWING RIGHT NOW! THERE'S CHILDREN HERE!!!" ("children repeatedly shouting the word 'penis' for all the world to hear" I thought to myself, "but okay") That wasn't the correct - or appropriate - answer though, so in an attempt to calm things down I saw her turn the whiteboard around and start furiously scribbling. No lie, I genuinely asked myself if she might perchance be attempting to add hair to the balls. When she flipped the board back around though, what I saw instead was that she had colored both the shaft and the potato shape bright red (that led to some other ideas which didn't exactly fall under the "family friendly" category either) All attempts at guessing had been replaced by laughing by that point. Any hope of an answer had vanished, so she pretty much just gave up until time ran out. Once the timer expired, all of us were waiting with great anticipation to hear what the correct answer was since we had absolutely no clue. Her word was THERMOMETER Enough rounds were played that it did come around to her turn again, but she declined to participate further after that performance. As you might imagine, a few slightly rude jokes were m made at her expense. For the record, I can neither confirm nor deny whether any of those were made by me That said, I'd be willing to bet those same jokes are likely to be brought up again the next time the whole family gets together. It'll be interesting to see if she's brave enough to attend. For my part, I'll just say that all episode was probably more fun and memorable than the Super Bowl itself was
  11. I watched this game with a profound amount of disinterest, but I did watch it. Lady Cowboy Fan was cheering against the Eagles (no shock). Her son was cheering against the Chiefs because he dislikes Mahomes for all the calls he gets. Outside of that, the rest of the family was no more interested in the outcome than me. It was a decent evening, at least. And now...the offseason.
  12. Hurts is not even remotely close to the quality of quarterback Patrick Mahomes is... ...but it is, and always has been, a team sport.
  13. Related: Tom Brady is nowhere near as good a commentator as Greg Olsen.
  14. Yeah... starting to think the Chiefs might lose this one
  15. Starting to think the threepeat might not happen
  16. This is actually a fairly widely held view.
  17. Probably the least interested I've been since Pats-Falcons but watching...
  18. For a show that's already aired and won't be on again?
  19. Wouldn't surprise me to see Bryce become a football media personality.
  20. Carey Hart, yeah. Everybody thought he was great (called him "Sensei" out of respect). Only reason he didn't finish was an injury. Kayla Nicole (Kelce's ex) was the only female to survive. The only male was Brody Jenner (Bruce/Caitlin's son, who actually had a lot to say about his dad). Kudos to Brody. In three seasons of this show, he's the only male to finish selection, and that included several pro athletes (Danny Amendola was on last year). All the other winners to date have been female, including at least one Bachelorette.
  21. DS staff told Cam he'd done an amazing job. They heavily respected him, even called him a "frontrunner" to finish the whole thing. He just blinked a little too soon. Golden Tate failed for the opposite reason. He was ready to let Kayla Nicole die (figuratively) rather than give up (yikes ) One funny moment that'll likely end up on social media: The interrogators forced everyone to strip down in a really cold environment. Newton, underneath his military clothes, was wearing some wild looking, very colorful boxer briefs Side Note: Pro surfer Alana Blanchard was apparently wearing a pretty skimpy thong under hers because they had to censor her backside.
  22. ...made it to the very end but failed the final challenge by giving up too soon. Hated to see it. He got reeeeeally close.
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