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Mr. Scot

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About Mr. Scot

  • Birthday 03/23/1967


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  1. I was going to leave you a message, but you can't receive any new ones.So here goes

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dpantherman


      -Perry Fewell: This is very intriguing to me especially considering that Marc Ross should be a guy we look at as GM. Package deal maybe? Has the defensive pedigree, my only concern would be what kind of staff he builds to surround Cam with on offense.

      -Brad Seely: How can you argue with 22 years of coaching experience? This kinda smells like the John Harbaugh effect. Very well respected around the league and who doesn't want a top notch ST unit? Again the only question would...

    3. Dpantherman


      be what kind of staff he could put together for Cam.

      -Ray Horton: Anytime you mention the Steelers organization when it comes to talent evaluation and coaching, my eyes are ears are open. He's done well with the Cardinals in one year, he's intriguing. I can honestly say I know very little about it.

      -Bill O' Brien: I'm assuming this is a look WAY into the future. Less than zero percent chance he doesn't a few years at Penn State before jumping back...

    4. Dpantherman


      back into the NFL.

      thanks for playing along, can't wait to hear back! Take your time.

      And sorry for taking up so much space!!

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