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Mr. Scot

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About Mr. Scot

  • Birthday 03/23/1967


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  1. He's this team's version of Ricky Proehl.
  2. And yes, the Bucs were playing the run, stacking the box, etc. Not exactly a surprising strategy either. A couple of our top receiving options were out with injury and, honestly, I don't think teams are certain how seriously to take Bryce as a passing threat (which is kinda understandable). I probably would have done the same thing in their shoes.
  3. Yeah, that's a heartbreaking loss. At the same time though, I saw a lot to be encouraged about in that game.
  4. Not sure how this finishes, but there have been some nice moments in this drive so far
  5. There are always Derek Anderson types out there
  6. Down in the fourth... This is one of those moments where you see what you're made of.
  7. Brooks and Hubbard in the backfield together is a nice look. Don't wanna jinx it but I like what I see from Brooks so far.
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