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About WilmyWood

  • Birthday 07/23/1974

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  1. Standard size, one box, no stamps. We’ll see how this plays out.
  2. Pack of envelopes and a bag of Fritos to split between the team
  3. Hasnt happened a lot, but it has happened.
  4. Thankfully all the ridiculous Rodgers to Panthers talk can stop now
  5. Sam fumbles the ball on the 2 yard line and the entire offense pulls a Kelvin and is like “meh” and watches the taints walk the ball 98 yards to score. Rhule announces that he is implementing part 13 of “the process” by allowing the team to wear Hawaiian shirts on tuesdays to increase morale.
  6. Count me in for the hip hop fans. I cant wait to see this
  7. Im vaccinated, but I get your point. My brother is the same way. He’s vaccinated and so are his kids; but he’s not sold on this one, mainly due to his distrust of the government.
  8. Was wondering the same. I hope the boss does verify with cdc cards. Kudos, though. I walked into a grocery store for the first time without a mask today and it was weird, shameful and liberating all at the same time.
  9. Tito’s and grape soda. Call it a grape ape
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