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Everything posted by holderoftruth

  1. Coleman was in great position, just didn't make the play... My god
  2. Teddy Williams out. Could be big later in the game in special teams
  3. Jumped over the long snapper again on a field goal....
  4. They keep showing the riot in the pool.... Awesome
  5. Best episode of the season
  6. Just a reminder: Just because we're in a better position than last year, doesnt mean we have ample amount of cap room compared to the rest of the league...
  7. Seems like he would be focus specifically on special teams, which would echo Ron/Dave's message from the year end press conference.
  8. YouTube link of Sherman's reaction, no idea how to make a gif. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BCrwrwF9vTI
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