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Everything posted by holderoftruth

  1. In that situation, yes. So, do you not want to run between the tackles for the entire game?
  2. Busted block for sure, however, multiple titans ready behind the LOS. Run north and south on 3rd and short.
  3. His regression has been bad, a year ago at this time we thought we had our franchise LT.
  4. Jealous watching Houston rolling Stroud out of the pocket
  5. We have to have the worst line/Wr combo in the league. Bryce can be great if he gets help
  6. Did our returner literally run horizontal on inside the 5 yard line?
  7. How in todays NFL we don’t have multiple camera angles
  8. 70% of snaps I believe. 5th rounder turns into a 4th
  9. Defense needs to step up in OT… let’s fuging go
  10. Now that’s clutch!!!! Way to redeem yourself DJ!
  11. He doesn’t deserve a ball to hit his hands on a perfect pass to only drop it in a clutch moment?
  12. Vilma is so fuging stupid as an announcer…. “These TEs are best in the league as a collective group”, proceeds to circle Marshall
  13. The poor kids comment hits home… My six year old son has started to ask questions “why do the Panthers always lose?” & “not again! (When he sees the score)
  14. This The 5th will turn into a 4th if he plays 70%. It’s fair to conclude we’ll be very close to eliminated from playoff contention by week 11… the real question is will the bench him if he keeps playing like poo.
  15. Lol at that Saints fan taking his shirt off and throwing it on the ground
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