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About pantherdad

  • Birthday 11/26/1977

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  1. https://x.com/Panthers/status/1860034036972028205
  2. https://twitter.com/Panthers/status/1860034014633165115
  3. Thielen and Brooks are also playing
  4. Hope Mark Williams is happy making that easy money. If we had any kind of solid center play, we would be in every game
  5. Ty Jerome can choke on a bag of dicks. I hated that cocksucker since he played at UVA
  6. Crazy to think about. I was 16 at that time. Turning 47 in a week. Where did it all go….
  7. Congrats TD. I know you’re proud of your boy.
  8. Sounds eerily familiar. That’s par for the course for some former hornets players.
  9. What I can say is, last year’s team would have mailed this game in in the third and fourth quarter. But these guys are full of energy and never quit.
  10. If our defense wasn’t made up of a bunch of pussies, it wouldn’t have come to that.
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