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Everything posted by TheRealDeal

  1. I can go back to talking about taints and murses if you want?

  2. I'm trying to contribute to our signings and get excited about all of our new players!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I would be less of an asshole if people weren't so dumb. I don't know how they can spend so much time on a message board and know so little. It makes me angry.

  4. But it's not better than talking about his pocket knife, cell phone, and satchel...I guarantee you that. Someone actually said that if we only sign CJ and Dwill it will be a "STELLAR" offseason. fuging stellar!

  5. what the fug is sohh

  6. If I remember correctly, I specifically mentioned black cock because he desperately wants to fit in with the African American community and being a white male, this is the only way they'd accept him.

  7. He's fighting Wandy on Saturday night

  8. Chris Leben. I didn't want to stand out as much and he's one of my favorite fighters but not many people watch MMA so I figured he'd just blend in.

  9. I told Proudiddy to stop sucking black cock on the weekends and to stop hating his homosexual self more or less. Hawk warned me before and I couldn't resist...dude is a homo and can't admit it Not Hawk, other guy

  10. I got banned :( Today will also be my last day here for probably close to 3 weeks as I'll be getting married then honeymoon

  11. Yes really, I'm kind of a big deal

  12. Good Luck. You doing general ed stuff now or more accounting courses?

  13. Hey man how's school going?

  14. I watch the NBA, just not like I watch other sports

  15. lol appreciate it

  16. Brianna Banks getting railed, likely in the arse
  17. Anything I can do so you will be less incompetent at your job!

  18. The GMC thread. The one where you said no more trolling which was immediately followed by a troll. I wanted to report the post to you and be apart of the solution, not the problem. Please take action. Show me how to be a fair and equal mod

  19. How come you haven't been back in that thread?

  20. Where did you put my thread damnit

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