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Everything posted by TheRealDeal

  1. Anybody interested in posting "before" or current pics and then "after" pics in some time in the future? Good motivation therte
  2. Anybody interested in posting "before" or current pics and then "after" pics in some time in the future? Good motivation therte
  3. When you squat, is the bar on your back? If so, try doing lighter weight and front squats instead. You'll get a very good core workout and it'll put less stress on your back/shoulders. My lifting routine is fairly simple and pretty old school. My days consist of Back/Biceps then Chest/Tris then Legs/Shoulders. After 6 weeks I rotate to Back/Chest then Bi/Tri/Shoulders then Heavy Legs. From there I mix it up to One lower body exercise and one upper body (Quads/Chest or Back/Hamstrings or some variation of that). I usually walk/run in the morning, lift at lunch, boxing/kickboxing/jitsu/wrestling after work. Mixing it up is the key for me. If my lifting routine becomes a routine, it's useless to me. Mix in cardio and core whenever you can but don't overdo your core, it's just like any other muscle group.
  4. Married life is cool. Just moved into a place near the beach so getting used to that. I haven't been back to SC for a while, it's changed a lot. I think I'm going to head up there for Thanksgiving for some TurkeyBowl action but we'll see. Good spots in SC are Maru sushi, Lite & Healthy Sushi, In N Out obviously, Chi Chi's, The Alamo (really good mexican food). Cam has looked good so far. The future is bright here in Carolina. Would love to see Gettis in this offense, I think he's going to be a monster.

  5. Got the bant stick...feels good to be back. How are things going? Hows the fam?

  6. Looks way more like Colt Brennan
  7. Some of the stuff you read in posts is pure comedy, I can't resist.

  8. The Fins OC looks to have them ready to compete. If their line is decent, they could make some noise.

  9. The whole thing is pretty stupid

  10. This place isn't fun for me anyway...I can't have an opinion without getting harassed. It used to be good before all the trash came in. Still think I win this bet easily

  11. You know everything in that post has been said about him....you fuging know it

  12. Couldn't be more relaxed...just was looking for an explanation. You also banned me for fun once because the truth offended other posters.

  13. So I'm allowed to be targeted because I have in the past supported Moore? Does that mean I'm allowed to target KT because he's a racist and in every thread he posts in come in and derail the thread with anti black comments? Just a question I generally like to keep the BS in other threads and leave camp threads alone, just posting questions that I legit want answered.

  14. Why do I get called out when I'm keeping to topic, giving props to Jimmy, then someone brings up something completely unrelated to the topic and the Panthers. I just want some clarification please

  15. I'm gonna throw out #2 and WC...assuming Moore is the starter. From reports of his first practice, he looked really good and already gained ground on Henne.

  16. Go Dolphins? You're a fan of them if I remember correctly right? Childhood team?

  17. Dude made a bet, change his sig and avatar...do it...it's the right thing to do

  18. He's going to win the Miami job and play well

  19. I'm chillin...everyone posts the same tweets on here anyway so this is my twitter

  20. No he's not the OC anymore but Sparano and the GM were in Dallas when Moore was there so there is that connection I guess. It could work out well for him but it'll be tough in a division with the Jets and Pats

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