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The Link

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Everything posted by The Link

  1. Opeth's new album has been leaked. Enjoy.
  2. I cant wait for these guys to come to town in Sept....
  3. Alexi Laiho is one of my favorite guitarists...
  4. My favorite band live... something a little more chill
  5. Let me ask you a question. What is your name?

  6. I could have sworn I've seen her on 4chan before. lol.

  7. I don't know who that chick is in your avi, but she has a rockin body.

  8. Not sensitive, just tired of idiots. :smile:

  9. I know, and it's been time well spent reading it, though once I finish the whole series I will most likely never read it again.
  10. Well I'm half way through the eighth book and I'm starting to have to chug through it. I love the story and most of the characters but RJ is soo long winded, it becomes a little bit of a chore to finish a book. I'm going to take a break when I finish this one. But for reals people. Check this out. http://www.amazon.com/Summoner-Chronicles-Necromancer-Book/dp/1844164683/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1266510509&sr=8-2
  11. I disagree with both of you completely. But you might find it interesting that The WOT series was originally intended to be six books, but when Jordan got to the 5th book he realized there was no way he could give the story a proper ending in six books.
  12. I also can attest to the Wheel of Time series. Robert Jordan (RIP) was an amazingly gifted writer. I just started book 8 and I cant put it down. Also, I recommend The Chronicles of The Necromancer by Gail Z. Martin who happens to be a NC native.
  13. Where is pedobear when you need him...
  14. Who is that is your avi?

  15. So who is that in your avatar?

  16. Who are those two chicks in your avatar?

  17. It's Danny Carey, the amazing drummer from TOOL.

  18. DIT stands for Drummer in Training.

  19. I wouldn't mind being in a threesome with them....

  20. The all powerful ass...she's mine!

  21. No, she's mine, bitchfist.

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