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Everything posted by Harbingers

  1. Is it me or did that game feel way to exactly the same as game one? Except both Aho and Necas missed easy layup/rebounds instead of hitting the post half a dozen times.
  2. Ya, there should have been more time on the clock. Hopefully the boys feel the fire under their ass going into Tampa.
  3. it was. His and Foegs skates collided off the TB stick.
  4. We rely on rebounds. He's knows that and is freezing everything.
  5. I don't know the answer. Blocker side high is the only thing we haven't tried yet.
  6. Not really because it's around the puck. That looked like a slew foot though.
  7. We got nothing, we need to turn the physical up.
  8. Didn't realize they were doing radio imma have to do the same thing. This NBC crew is not up to par.
  9. Welp if that's a slash then what about both trips on Aho?
  10. Round 2 and later are only national broadcast.
  11. Can we please get Aho's line some forecheck time...ffs.
  12. Ya that's what i thought. It makes it sound so muddled though, You don't get the crisp sound from the ice. If that one thing Bally does better.
  13. Crowd seems quieter though. Maybe its just NBC's mix.
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