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Everything posted by Harbingers

  1. Has anyone seen which goalie is in the backup slot? I haven’t caught it yet.
  2. AI article for sure. The prompt was probably longer than the answer.
  3. Freddie has had how long off? 2 weeks+? He better be on.
  4. It’s live now. I think he’s already been talking for a bit.
  5. You are not factoring in hits. The statistical hits and knockdowns. A QB’s main job outside of running the offense is throwing the ball. This is most often how QB’s receive wear and tear. When they are throwing they are locked into that throwing motion. Until that motion is achieved and often for seconds after they are vulnerable, often completely vulnerable.
  6. Unfortunately, it’s a watch on YouTube only thing. Not even counting blindside hits. When a QB is in the process of throwing the ball, that is the only motion they can achieve in the pocket or any plant/jump throw. They are completely defenseless from any angle until their motion is complete.
  7. Not true at all. The only player more defensiveless than them is someone going up for a hospital ball.
  8. Nvm he said no to front 7 lineup changes. He said maybe to Raanta. “He’s not going to disclose”.
  9. Also waiting for the audio to post. Do we see Pono draw in for Stepan?
  10. And Vegas is the first to move on. Every game tonight is a potential elimination game.
  11. RB’s are prone to lower body injure’s but they are usually engaged in forward motion so they have control over how they are hit. QB’s are going 360 degrees from center consistently or standing in place with the much bigger people hitting them, most of the time without control over how they are hit.
  12. It pisses me off that they keep calling the soft hand tap from the side with the flat side of the stick, when they didn’t call the complete tomahawk chop the islanders put on the TT.
  13. Hats off to the devils for a believe the first shutout of the playoffs.
  14. Like really and this is the second time I’ve heard an ESPN announcer in a playoff game say it’s a good idea. No. It’s the stupidest idea. There is so much open ice. If you establish the zone THEN you pull your goalie but 4v4 it’s still a stupid idea in playoff hockey.
  15. Why. Why the fug would you start any face off with an empty net 4v4 with 5 minutes let.
  16. Not to mention NJ’s rook(?) goalie is playing stupidly good. He might shut the rangers out in a playoff game.
  17. It’s in misery and he ain’t under contract yet. Of course he’s high. /s
  18. Lightning burning the maple trees right now too.
  19. Ya when I posted there was 110 replies in the hot zone. We are averaging a little over that for a hot zone in the canes play game threads.
  20. Where all the panthers fans at? Canes playoff hockey games are getting more replies than this in the “hot zone”.
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