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Everything posted by Harbingers

  1. While I disagree with the reactionary part of this tweet. Y’all hate on Pesce way too much. This is what it looks like when we don’t have our full compliment D. TDA hasn’t even played that bad. But Pesce is that much better and he raises Skjei’s play.
  2. I’d rather be in the playoffs every year and not return to the dark ages squandering all our young talent.
  3. @PantherChris go put yourself in timeout and take a chill pill.
  4. Win game 4. Do it for the fans at least.
  5. Eh. People gonna have their meltdowns now. I’m going to enjoy this iteration of Carolina hockey one last time*. Cause we are going to have a stupid offseason either way. The roster isn’t going to look nearly the same, might be new coaches, new system, not our usual defensive powerhouse style. Who knows we could fall off a cliff if Rod isn’t around. If you can’t enjoy the journey the destination is never as sweet. At least.
  6. It’s because they aren’t allowing that second level rebound. They literally are just putting two players as a screen 10 feet up the ice so we can’t get that rebound because they know it beats shisterkin.
  7. If we are we win. If we aren’t we go golfing and us fans prepare for a shitty offseason. Play loose and hope we don’t get the shitty refs they call 15 penalties a game.
  8. Gleason is fine. If Rod decides to come back and Dundon goes for it send Daniel’s to coach Chicago as a “promotion” he can still develop talent well.
  9. Go out on Saturday and play like you want the cup.
  10. I’ve seen enough of Kuz. Put Lemieux in for game 4 and buy him out when the season is over.
  11. Not really. He was slumping hard if you don’t recall. Going on staals line gave him time to build his game.
  12. Freddie would have but he would have given up two other goals.
  13. Igor is standing high until the last second. Start shooting fugging low and glove high alternating and watch him crumble.
  14. It’s not as much Igor as it is their defense covering that second level rebound. Thus why enough of all these other shots. Either shoot incredibly low or pick glove high.
  15. Glove high boys. Glove high. Enough of this other poo.
  16. I fugging hate Kenny Albert calling canes games. That went off Pyotr’s stick like you were fauning about it going shisterkins stick.
  17. Ok. I wanted to hold out on burns but he’s too slow.
  18. That should be out of the zone. It went off a rags hand.
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