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Everything posted by Harbingers

  1. Wouldn’t read too much into the Jesper thing. Heaviest grinder always gets the extra day off. Deangelo feeling the heat though. That I like to see
  2. I’m not expecting either. I’m just saying Dundon is clearly > Tepper. Tepper has the worst football team in the span, literally 24-58 or what ever?! Canes have been knocking on the Stanley cup case since dundon took over.
  3. I think the moral is ya he may have basically doubled his money. But Jerry Jones, who team is normally crap, added basically the panthers entire net worth, from 5 to 9 billion over the same span. So even from the money perspective…. His ROI is way way low.
  4. Eh fair. But also I think 4.1(4.4) is a gross over valuation. That’s basically just the right to own a football team at this point. He’s taken this team from its top end heyday down to 26th overall in NFL valuation… That’s not a good ROI in context.
  5. What does Dundon have that Tepper doesn’t? Oh, the most important thing from a fans perspective. A winning team.
  6. “The largest year-over-year growth among any of the league's 32 teams, the franchise is now worth an estimated $980 million. Why is that number important? When Tom Dundon became the majority owner in January 2018, Forbes' latest ranking had Carolina valued at $230 million - dead last in the NHL.” You would think ‘ol stock manager Tepper would understand the basics. Dundon has taken a 230 million franchise and nearly turned it into a billion.
  7. I’ve always racked by brain who he looks like… Yep there it is.
  8. Like I said. I’m just repeating what Tripp as said over the past few Raanta start games. We all know how excitable Tripp is so no idea which set is lighter. But Tripp calls his old gear his “light” gear.
  9. Yes his old gear is his Brian’s. Which Tripp at least claims is his “lighter” gear.
  10. His Brian’s is his light gear. The Bauer name is misleading. The Brains is lighter than the Bauer. Don’t ask me how though, I’m just repeating what Tripp said. In general I thought Bauer was lighter but I guess the customization of the Brian’s he pulled out a lot of padding or something.
  11. I guess I should pose halak as a third question. If he’s ready I don’t see why he wouldn’t at least travel.
  12. So we have a back to back Florida and Tampa. Who gets who do y’all think? Do we try Pytor or does Halak travel with the team?
  13. Ya that did have me concerned for a second but since it was our top pair + Staal I figured they put their best line first so we decided to grind down and wait to get a more favorable pairing with Aho/Necas/TDA(?)
  14. Just at bask in that. If the cap doesn’t raise next year I will personal go and kick the commissioner in the nuts.
  15. Those of you that just watched that in person. I am envious.
  16. You know that was on the defense and Raanta said nope right?
  17. Cause the refs hate us? That was a classic skate mix up. That took both their guy and 77 down.
  18. I think everyone thought that would be a penalty on 77, even the goal scorer.
  19. That. That is what makes teams scared of us.
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