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Everything posted by Harbingers

  1. Me too. That Dick hole going and getting themself in timeout.
  2. I do not understand why we won’t don’t put Aho on the shootout. The dude is 100% finesse. We didn’t even put Necas. Like wtf Rod.
  3. Are we really going to get beat by six rooks?
  4. I’m going Chinn, though I don’t say that negatively, I think he just hit his sophomore slump. For currently still employed by the panthers. Obviously Baker otherwise.
  5. Thanks I listened to most of it yesterday. Very knowledgeable doctors who also knew what they were doing in terms of handling the media. They didn’t give away too much about the future but definitely all signs point towards optimism right now. Maybe another week in the ICU is my guess and he’ll move to outpatient care and be able to go home.
  6. Of course he’s going to ask. It’s probably the last thing he remembers. I doubt he remembers anything between standing up after the hit and now.
  7. Holy poo they woke him up? For those wondering why in writing? It means he’s still intubated.
  8. This tweet doesn’t make a whole lot of sense but make of it what you will.
  9. I’m guessing his lungs suffered extensive damage too. Even with getting his heart beating again and hopefully blood going to his brain that doesn’t mean his lungs were getting the electrical signals or oxygen in they needed to function. I don’t want to assume. But he could have had one or both collapse from the stress/oxygen deprivation/CPR. With all that gear strapped on tight. There’s only so much room in the chest cavity for the lungs to fill and if the gear impacted it that could have been an issue too.
  10. I don’t know about y’all but it’s disgusting the NFL is slowly quietly trying to float the idea that maybe the tackle didn’t cause this. I’m sure their legal team is playing it hard for when the lawsuits start flowing.
  11. Lemme see if I can find the quote from yesterday. From a local broadcaster so take it as you will. The big hurdle right now is getting him breathing on his own fully. If they can do that. Then they can try to wake him up.
  12. It wasn’t malicious, it was just football. It was a freak incident which the odds of happening are so astronomical on so many fronts. I don’t know how any one could blame him. Good on him for staying at the hospital.
  13. We are carrying 7D currently so we could go 11-7 if Max doesn’t go and Noesen can’t. I don’t know how the rules work exactly if they can dress him for pregame skate to see how he’s feeling and if not then roll with 7D?
  14. Perhaps but if Noesen(I think that’s who was injured yesterday?) is going to be out of a bit, I could see him making his debut.
  15. I don’t have the tweet in front of me but Hamlin is improving, however he’s still not able to breath on his own. Which is concerning.
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