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Everything posted by Harbingers

  1. We will take this to 7 just to spite these refs.
  2. Ok you hockey gods. I will rip your bits off.
  3. Honestly I’ll be fine if we beat chucky’s face in to this game. I still think burns can one touch punch him. I don’t want us to play dirty but we he refs have obviously not had a slight. They got their panties in a bunch over rod reaming them out. It’s time to make this hockey. Real hockey.
  4. Florida will migitgate. Give Aho his feed, he will produce.
  5. Ok I am over this poo. Unleash Aho with TT.
  6. This is our moment boys. Break their fuging will and do not look back.
  7. We’ve been in this situation before boys. Chill the fug out.
  8. The refs do not like being yelled at by rod. I say fug em. Go goon. Break Chuckies face and Bob while you are at it.
  9. So sling is crapping its pants. Guess it’s a pirates life for me.
  10. woah. Was there actually just a drug commercial that didn’t have a disclaimer “stop taking this drug if you die”?
  11. He hasn’t been this bad since game 2 of this series. He was able to do things before this. But not being able to lift above his shoulders says not good things for a normal person.
  12. Jordan is toast, no matter what happens we might have to replace him Game 4. I don’t know what is ailing him but he cannot get his arms his shoulders. Which is sign of a serious shoulder issue. Like torn ligament bad. He can play all night long but he can’t raise his arm above his shoulders or extend fully. That’s clear by him not being able to follow through on a shot.
  13. No… since game 2. He’s having serious issues lifting his arms.
  14. If svech has kept playing like he was before they were hurt I guarantee half their roster would be on IR.
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