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Everything posted by Harbingers

  1. Really starting to like Lemieux. He seems really invested in the team and his teammates though not being a main starter. Love the grit he brings.
  2. Two words about last night game. Taylor Swift. They banked on all the swifties paying for peacock to broaden the market. They didn’t give a poo about actual football fans.
  3. any of you that hated on skjei…. eat crow.
  4. Umm you must have me confused with someone else.
  5. And that is why you don’t not keep pesce.
  6. Did you not see that last big save?
  7. I don’t consider it a pass. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t fit every criteria for a pass. I just think Tepper wasn’t competent enough not to buy into the hype of a QB who couldn’t palm a football. Due to the media campaign. Thus I don’t think it was a pass. More of we didn’t even consider.
  8. We didn’t pass on the dude. Our incompetent owner bought into the hype train of a jag.
  9. All good. I just don’t see us putting TDA in unless we have to, aka 1-2 D line. Though TDA with burns does concern me. Not so much as Slavin, Pesce or Skjei.
  10. I said it before and I’ll say it till the cows come home. Trading up in the first round besides maybe a 2-3 spot positional move is the dumbest fugging thing. Hoping for a franchise QB at 1 is even more stupid. It’s actually a wonder the Texans may have hit on their pick. Good franchise QB’s usually don’t show up until after the top 10. Trading from 9th to 1st is essentially betting all in on a 2-7 off suit.
  11. F easily. Even with the inept coaching, bad OL, incompetent receivers the dude looked like pickles.
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