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Everything posted by cookinbrak

  1. 2 things- 1- Chik Fila donates 1,000 meals for each win? That's good stuff right there. Carolina Ale House needs to step up their game. 2- Hannah wants some of the Cooch.
  2. That was straight nasty. You could see the goalie just starting to look to see who was getting the pass.
  3. Hope Jersey enjoyed their time at the top....
  4. NC Central beat the Dijon Sanders today. That was good.
  5. And we'll hit one of them in the playoffs.
  7. The same defense that let Seattle back into the game. Twice.
  8. They said during the game that McAdoo was the one wanting to play run first, smashmouth football, and Wilkes gave him full control of the offense.. We wore Seattle down. Do y'all not watch the games?
  9. What's in their water? Russell used to throw up prayers that got answered, Geno was doing it today.
  10. That was a woodshed game. Across the board, total domination.
  11. It did. We took the lead near the end in a couple of games, but the defense allowed the other team to score late.
  12. A good goalie will stop a 1 on 1 straight shot.
  13. Rod better gnaw some ass after this game. How in hell do you go 16 minutes without a shot? No shots in a 3 on 3 ot? Kotchekov can stop pucks that hit him in the chest, but if you shoot from 15 feet away, he loses it completely. Other teams are gonna see this. At least we lost in ot.
  14. You know that thing the Hurricanes do after a home win? Change Storm to Sport and ask Mr Google.
  15. MJ Morris is the future. Leary can't stay healthy.
  16. Don't forget about the greatest qb to ever come out of Joe Montana's womb, Justin Fields !!
  17. But is it better to stay on a top 25 team and work your way up, or go be a starter at Cousinfuk U and wallow in anonymity?
  18. They kept saying that a group of season ticket holders flew out for the game. That's gonna be one hell of a party.
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