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About parker

  • Birthday September 18


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. Sanders looks like he runs for 20 yards but only picks up 2. Unless you need 2, then he gets stuffed in the backfield. I hate seeing him in there.
  2. I used to love it when it came on at a decent hour. The one show that did honest breakdowns.
  3. Bryce had an injury last year and was pulled from the third game. If Dalton can bring in some subpar play, it would still be an improvement.
  4. Bryce has to be benched for a few reasons. 1. When you step out onto the field, the objective should be to win that game. Player development happens between games. When it's game time, you need the combination of players that give you the best chance to win. 2. Integrity and accountability to the fans and players. How can you bench a RB that fumbles the ball, a cornerback that gets roasted or a lineman that can't block when you continue to let your QB go out there and completely suck ass? I think that's now 3 interceptions and no TDs in two games. That's suckage and to deny it is to lose the respect of the rest of the players. Players are out there playing to win, to get new contracts, to make their incentives and you keep watching a QB get worse and worse. How to you ask a receiver to bust ass and beat his man only to be missed in the read or the delivery?
  5. it isn't his size. He clearly has line of sight with the receiver and the underneath defender, but he chose to throw it to the receiver breaking in on a defender with inside leverage. This is not even a rookie mistake. it's a straight up bonehead play. The other being taking the sack and not throwing the ball away. He was running for his life and came to the sidelines with a defender coming at him. Get rid of the ball. He's just not playing smart.
  6. we need a receiver that runs a 4-40 so Bryce can throw it 2 yards
  7. We might not have to worry about if Dalton goes in. The chargers can run the game clock out easily.
  8. there's 39 seconds left and we're throwing 2 yard passes?
  9. if the crowd doesn't start chanting Andy, it's mostly chargers' fans.
  10. I was willing to give him a chance this season, but he has gotten worse. Time to give up on him. Last year people weren't getting open. This year we have guys getting open and he is either missing or not seeing them.
  11. I was disappointed in NFL+. I just bite the bullet and get youtube tv during the season.
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