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Everything posted by PanthersGOATFan336

  1. I remember that too. He even spazzed said f this forum and said he was switching teams.
  2. Im convinced @BurnNChinn and @Kuhndog94 would come in here if we won the superbowl 12-9 and say we barely won w 4 field goals doesnt really matter only if we score touchdowns and beat the #1seed then it would mean something
  3. When we lose When we win Beat a division rival On the playoffs Amirite? @BurnNChinn @Kuhndog94
  4. When you give up on making the playoffs 8 weeks into the season with a 4-4 team that's when you've reached elite fan status
  5. Because it's better if they lost right....so you could make 3 threads
  6. Or we can make the playoff and you can nag a little longer you and the "realists"
  7. Dude I didnt make the thread dude. Dude people literally make threads so that there post can be seen as first. Dude what's the point of having 2 threads about the same topic. Dude maybe that's why they have a search feature. Dude its like having the same discussion over and over..
  8. What if we put all the sign cam and trade for Watson threads all into one merged thread
  9. Like seriously all you gotta do is look at the first page before you make a thread to see if it's already been discussed
  10. 2 o line threads in 1 hour... Someone's feeling like making threads today
  11. I mean it is a 85 south rivalry and better than losing. It's not a party but a small gathering wouldnt be bad.
  12. Dude we beat the dirty birds and fug off my field ryan.. Can we just celebrate a win until tomorrow No one is saying we winning the superbowl but it's better than losing.
  13. Why is only half the threads created when we win vs when we lose? @KB_fan can you get some stats on that? All the negative posters when the panthers win..
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