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Everything posted by PanthersGOATFan336

  1. Must be nice you're not using your alt account today..unfortunately I don't take advice from people online. You enjoy though
  2. Wait address this because I showed you plenty of examples...just say I was wrong it's ok we won't judge you
  3. Elusiveness means nothing when someone coming at you like this..when that gentle frame or processor won't do Bryce any good. Even the fastest or "elusive" qbs have to withstand punishment Could you imagine if that was bryce..
  4. It's funny how yall on this media train but what have the panthers said about all this bryce hype...nothing. wonder why..
  5. It's going to hurt I know, we'll all still be cheering when stroud is lifting that Lombardi for the panthers #keeppounding
  6. Let's take a quick peek at how good that processing translates to the field..
  7. They both need to be coached up and no one is vastly better than the other than I said...you take the one with better ball placement and the stronger arm...oh and former players like stroud too so that means nothing
  8. I get it you like Bryce but he doesn't seperate himself enough to say he's going to be a top 5 qb from stroud who has less concerns..
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