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Everything posted by SportsCrazie4172

  1. the post game interviews are going to be lit by Norman..
  2. Teddy Williams will put a hit on that azz and not think twice about it..
  3. Gotdamn it..get me some pads..I'll lay that fugger out..
  4. Giants have pissed off the Panthers now with their late hits and dirty plays.. Our boys are ready to run the gauntlet on their azz now..
  5. OBJ has been called out by other players in his cheap shots..defense needs to lay his azz out..
  6. Good stop defense..Lets go Offense..put those points up early..
  7. Joe Buck and Troy Aikman..Jesus..why do we get the short straw on these Jokers calling our games.. Aikman already said in pregame show that the Giants will win..get ready to hear nothing but superlatives about a struggling NY Giants team..
  8. Great pics!! I love the one where Cam and Funchess were doing the Blade..
  9. Cam with 5 touchdowns.. MVP discussion is over..just go ahead and give it to him..
  10. that was a clean catch..IDGAF what anyone says..even Joe Buck trying to call it "controversial"..
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