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Everything posted by SportsCrazie4172

  1. The media is going to talk about how good the Colts lost versus the Panthers winning..I hope Gruden gets punched in the Gotdamn mouth..him and his sidepiece was clearly rooting for the Colts
  2. missed extra point..Ginn dropping that pass..I mean we got to get our sh*t together..
  3. If we dont go get a receiver tomorrow, we are sealing our own fate..
  4. the state of NC has gotten screwed by the refs..first Duke and now the Panthers...
  5. I wish Gruden will shut the hell up about our defense being worn down..he was just spouting nonsense about Luck being hurt..
  6. God if our corners would just intercept the damn ball..that would be great..
  7. If your QB is injured and you have Matt Hasselback who has done well in filling in..why not use him..I call Bulls*it on the injury excuse..anything to discredit our defense..
  8. Isnt if convenient that media reports came out recently to suggest that Luck has broken ribs in addition to his shoulder problem just to have an excuse for Luck's play..Gruden insisting that he is hurt and not the fact that maybe Luck is playing sh*tty and our defense is manhandling his azz..
  9. Our Offense didnt even have time to make a sandwich as our defense has sent the Colts offense off the field just that quick..
  10. Thank God.. Cam to Olsen..the universe has been set right again..
  11. Josh Norman..best corner in the league..better ask somebody!!
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