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  1. Soul purpose of the game this year is to hang out with friends and family...enjoy some awesome food. Not really into the matchup. Pulling for the Iggles solely because of Saquon.
  2. Refs already cooking for the Chiefs. Horrible call.
  3. I'm super happy for the young man. I was a naysayer after the first two games this year. He didn't quit and kept working. Cant ask for anymore than that. I'm definitely convinced.
  4. Over 1,000 yards for the season. His first 1,000 yard season. Hopefully, he continues to excel!
  5. XL does have the work ethic and we're going to see a whole lot of Dolla Bill over the next few years. This franchise gave Jonathan "craptastic" Mingo three years. Legette is already outplayed him..
  6. Good call BigKat! Way to show support. It is warranted! Was at the stadium today and couldn't be happier in a loss. This team really is trending up!
  7. It drives me up a wall that "fans" can't see Bryce's improvement. I'm eating crow right now. This young team has a very bright future. On a side note, the Thielen non TD was the absolute worst call I've seen in the NFL this year. Absolutely horrible. The PI on Evans in the first half is a very close second. Both were pure garbage.
  8. I personally see a much brighter future. I was a huge Bryce skepticl coming into this year; however, I kept hoping he could show something. As far as I'm concerned, the last few weeks are not a fluke. He is making some high level throw and decisions. We can focus on defense in the draft. Grab a different DC and i think we are very competitive in the division.
  9. That has to be the worst call I've seen all year! Effing horrible officiating. To go with the BS pass interference in the end zone. What a joke.
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