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Posts posted by backINblack28

  1. 68% of conference final teams win series after winning game 1.  Let's get it.

    Saw a stat that I knew in the back of my head but made me stop and think--we have been to two conference finals in 2019 and 2009 since 2006--but we have not WON a conference finals game since 2006.  Any win against FLA (I am not calling them by their mascot's name. That's our football team, sry.) is territory we haven't reached in 17 years.  Enjoy these moments friends.


    • Pie 3
  2. 14 hours ago, Harbingers said:

    No, in hindsight the only player that would have been beneficial was Horvat. A net front champ. I was on the Kane train cause I thought Kane would have bought into rods system, which he probably would have, but Horvat was the long play. 

    and Horvat right now at 8.5m for 8 yr already looks like garbage/an absolute fireable offense.

    • Pie 2
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  3. 7 minutes ago, Harbingers said:

    That does have an on paper benefit of freeing up our 1, but their 3 is their shutdown line too, Jersey tried putting their shutdown Vs. Our 2 and look what happened. That’s why I think Aho V. Barkov like you said happened in the regular season. Though I’d go flip in that scenario, Staal still on Bennett, KK on Barkov. 

    their 3rd and 4th lines are gonna be grossly overmatched no matter what happens, that's sort of the separator here that the media lauding FLA for being world beaters and tryharding kind of ignores

    • Pie 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, Harbingers said:

    Doubtful, because at least for the first two games I highly suspect we will put the Staal line against the Bennett(Tkachuk) line. We could put him against the Barkov but I think shutting down and frustrating the Bennett line is priority. That’s why it’s kind of surprising, since the Staal line requires the most energy/defense. 

    Im guessing they said TT is a very good two way player and he’s been resting for a month. If his hand is good he’s going to give us the best option shutting down Tkuchuk. 

    if it's me i'm putting Staal on Barkov, KK line on Bennett, and matching up our 1 vs their 3 at home. Not saying you're wrong necessarily, it could go that way.  On the road in the regular season finale they matched our Aho line with Barkov so I'm expecting that again on the road.

    • Beer 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, USDepartmentOfSavagery said:

    Yep waddle has my faith. And we have the pieces to move in the future while some of our competitors do not. We’re in a good place. I think Rod also has more say in roster construction than we think. 

    we went for Timo and we got out when the price got too steep. The fact that we eliminated the team that DID match that price frees Waddell from any TDL faults. We saw Horvat, Kane, and Meier all underperform in the playoffs, and they're all at home.

    One thing about those acquisitions is that it inevitably takes time to mesh with new teammates and those acquisitions are going to feel immense pressure to perform. Our window is wide open. Pacioretty has already essentially hinted he would give us a discount for the way we traded for and have treated him. Svech will be back.  We can upgrade at goalie and backup goalie or keep one of the guys or use Kotchetkov as full time backup and go for a higher number one..and we can see where we stand and then see if we need to add someone big time at the trade deadline next year. 

    This scenario works whether or not we win the cup this year. Anyone objectively criticizing our GM at this point this season though I simply don't understand. Our roster is injured, but deep and we're still playing hockey. And we literally eliminated two of the dudes people were mad that we didnt end up with..

    • Flames 1
  6. 2 hours ago, KillerKat said:

    We have to win the Cup. We just have to. We were expected to for over a year going into last offseason. I still believe we shouldve gotten a little more help. Waddell says we like our guys, so he basically said we are winning it with what we have. He has to back that up. Anything less than winning the Cup is a failure and I would still think Waddell didnt do enough and shouldnt be retained. We have been very fortunate with the matchups we have had in this playoffs. Go win it.

    at this point, every team that sold future assets for a deadline move is eliminated. I don't think it's fair to label this season a failure at this point no matter where it ends, because the story for me ever since we advanced past first round is that we are doing whatever is our end while missing 3 60+ point forwards (hopefully just 2 going forward). that's not something you can plan for. yes, we could have made a move, but if you make those moves and sell those assets and then have similar injuries and get held back anyway--you mortgaged your future for tee times a la boston/new jersey/tampa etc.  At this point, the GM not giving up future assets and us making the conference final with major injuries is an outright win no matter what. considering it an abject failure is ignoring immense context and pretty unfair.

    • Pie 4
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  7. while we had a pretty short bench in ATL and did fine, sounds like we will still have health issues tomorrow.

    Jozwiak, Gaines, Bender, Marks, Corujo listed as out, Vargas is questionable.

    Sounds like we get good news on the back end though as Tuiloma, Malanda & Mora have no more injury designation.

    Hope we can keep things going against Chicago and Nashville

  8. 34 minutes ago, PFChangz said:

    So I used an out of state credit card for game 2 and ticketmaster let the transaction go through. If I had seen the restriction I would've had my friend in NC buy the tickets. Is ticketmaster going to screw me on this or is there a way for me to keep the tickets?

    if you bought tix and it went through, you're good. i think those restrictions only apply to right after they release the tickets for sale 

    • Pie 1
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  9. 14 hours ago, PleaseCutStewart said:

    Man I hope Vegas doesn't make the finals. If we beat FL, that would be probably the worst possible matchup of all of the playoff teams there were.

    i would generally agree, but Vegas has had tons of goalie injuries/problems. They are not the team we struggled with this year even though they are playing well.  They are on their 5th goaltender now and are not playing the sort of opponents that can properly exploit it while the same time they keep them in check defensively.  I think we could--though I would still rather play Seattle, then Dallas 

    • Pie 1
  10. Grabbed some game 2 tickets.  FLA won 3 games on the road in each prior series.  They aren't winning 3 times in Raleigh.  Everyone is talking about how hot Bobrovsky is right now--his numbers are worse in playoffs than both Canes starters.  FLA defense has been improved in the playoffs, but overall, was ranked like 19th in regular season.  They allow tons of shots--more than any playoff team.  The Canes generate more than any team.  Their PP is also awful. 

    I've watched all of their playoff games.  They have put together a nice run.  I would say more than them being world beaters is playing two teams absolute primed for collapse.  They were down 3-1 to Boston. Toronto couldn't win one of their first two home games as they celebrated getting out of the first round a little too hard. They play a bruising style--Maurice's Canes team rarely went in as high seed but had good runs with a style that works in the playoffs.  The problem for them is that Brind'Amour knows and uses a very similar style, but with more skill and speed and room to adapt.  They are basically a worse version of us.

    Canes in 09 - two series wins. Both times won game 7s against higher seeds on the road. Bruising style, timely goals from unfamiliar names, not the most skilled team in the 'yoffs. Ran into a buzzsaw in ECF in young Penguins team with J Staal, Crosby, Malkin and walked all over us into a sweep.

    Canes in 19 - two series wins.  Upset the Champ Caps in 7 on the road. Made quick work of NYI (got a lot of good puck luck) but essentially were a better version of their defensive system. Bruising style, timely goals from unfamiliar names, not the most skilled team in the 'yoffs. Ran into a buzzsaw in ECF with an experienced Boston team.  Walked all over/frustrated us and outgoalied us off the planet. Sweep.

    Here's my bottom line take:

    Florida. Two upsets with big road victories.  Bruising style, timely goals from unfamiliar names, not the most skilled team in the 'yoffs. HERE COMES THE BUZZSAW. 


    • Pie 6
  11. 32 minutes ago, Harbingers said:

    Does anyone else find this whole ticket master Florida panthers blocking Canadians thing hilarious. Everyone in the media is acting shocked like it never happened before, they do realize this happens in every playoff of every sport right? Everyone geoblocks on the first round of sales. 

    it's so ridiculous. Secondary market doesn't restrict. Every team does it. The Rangers fans went off on us last year for posting something and the Yankees do it. Just outright hypocrisy on anyone that criticizes it.  Home team has every right to do what they can to restrict away fans from at least buying up front. There are probably plenty of Leafs fan Sunrise residents who will have no restrictions. The rest can pay secondary market prices or stay home.

    • Pie 1
  12. 17 hours ago, Wundrbread33 said:

    Judging people without knowing them certainly is relevant. 

    But you do you boo. 

    he invited criticism with his selfish post. he got plenty of it. if you want to be his knight in shining armor and defend his honor that's fine. he did a stupid. move on

  13. At this point, this feels like loose, free house money, and despite that we felt some round 1 pressure after getting up 3-1, I think we both have the experience to handle it and we'll be playing looser. If our goalies hold up like they did vs NYI I think we advance.  NJ has a lot of speed, but our defense as a whole is much better than the Rangers.  If we can contain Hughes I love our chances, and I feel like if we can crack their young goalie early the series could be over before it theoretically starts.

    • Pie 1
    • Beer 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Wundrbread33 said:

    This post is far more emotional than his post. 

    Odds are you know nothing about him outside of him playing football, and yet you judge his character why?


    Dude is early 20’s, got hurt, has probably been busting his ass for the past year, and he had a moment. 

    I can call a spade a spade. My emotions are just fine about it. Does it mean he can't learn from it? No.  Knowing him outside of football isn't relevant to calling out selfish, tunnel vision motives on a football team. It's an objectively bad look.

  15. 4 hours ago, Mega Pint of Wine said:

    The kid is 24 years old and grew up in this age of social media. Its a given that he is "immature" and rightfully so being that age, and dealing with all the pressures of a draft, a team, agents in his ear about 10's of millions of dollars that is possibly on or off the table and so many others.

    Somewhere in your posting history is much more immaturity than Matt Corral making an instagram post dealing with all he has to deal with. 

    Yeah, no. I don't subtweet my job. My posting history on here does not affect my work livelihood and I was raised in the internet age to know the difference. Part of making millions should include that nuance IMO. We can all call it a moment and say he made a mistake but deleting the woe is me post doesn't instantly make the mentality that led to it initially not exist--another thing anyone with social media experience knows. 

    • Poo 2
  16. 15 minutes ago, TheWiz said:

    Good on him to make it easy on Bryce for obvious reasons. But the Matt Corral jokes are really dumb for us as a fan base. We need him to do well. We want him to be as good as possible. The better he is, the better the team is. 

    Injuries happen. And with a longer season, he could see real playing time. I love that he's motivated. I love that he has a chip on his shoulder. I hope he makes our QB room more prepared and competitive. 

    while I mostly agree, that's why his post was so ridiculous and immature. We traded up to draft him 365 days ago--for him to act like he's instantly not appreciated for something he should have known we were doing the second we traded up for first overall, just seems like entitled trash. I'm not sure where he thinks he's going in this league where he's going to have some starter's shot that we're not giving him, but GMs that would be trading for him now have that post to question his inability to deal with any remote competition to point at.  It was just an extremely emotional / reactionary thing to do and he had a literal month to sit on the fact that he would be on the outside looking in inside our and therefore every QB room in the league

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