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Everything posted by backINblack28

  1. i mean. VT isn't on a team. he will be on a team. the sharks could wait til trade deadline for EK but good luck to them if they do--he will be much cheaper then and we'll be just fine in the meantime
  2. no. https://www.nbcsportsbayarea.com/nhl/san-jose-sharks/erik-karlsson-trade-suitors-penguins/1643795/ Probably still looking to move Pesce and I'd think Tarasenko's open market value is a similar story to the Sharks overvaluing EK--if the agents and Sharks were gonna get their asking price it would have happened already. We're just slow playing to not give up too much/pay too much, but also still willing to talk w teams regarding Pesce in the meantime. Plenty time left.
  3. that and the numbers are done they're just not announcing until we're done knowing who else we're acquiring/trading etc so we could backload some of the money
  4. The part the outside pundits aren't able to as easily quantify is they just see that we didn't have a great receiving corps, and we lost a bonafide #1. That makes the subheading easy for them to latch onto or write--that our skill positions are average at best. That greatly ignores several things: 1. our TE position was ATROCIOUS, and not to impugn/degrade Tremble OR Ian, it's just that Tremble is still young/neither one of them is an every down, also blocking TE. Hurst is that guy, and while he may be fringe top 10 or so, his performance and presence to make Ian/Tremble mismatches in the pass game at TE2 and providing better blocking and mismatches at TE1 is a HUGE difference from last year. They may not remember -- but we can. The fact that we can RELY on the TE position for 3rd down conversions/running game blocking on early downs/ passing game mismatches at TE 2 on playaction, etc is an enormous difference that we have not had since Greg left. 2. our WR positional depth behind Moore wasn't great, but with TMJ making a leap, and now Laviska, Byrd, Smith being depth behind Chark/Theilen/Mingo, especially when you have Theilen to essentially be a move the sticks guy with Chark injury free providing very similar numbers to DJ Moore--not saying he is DJ Moore, but with talent around him and pressure off, he will be just fine, especially with Mingo and TMJ with all pressure off/the ability to provide extra and mismatches/etc or do better if they vault into a spot. The depth to me matters more than having DJ getting blanketed last year/Baker not being able to find him even when he was open/still almost making the playoffs. Playmaking won't be highlight reels from DJ, no. But playmaking by committee---where have we seen that. KC--no matter who is at WR. scheme them open, get them the ball, and most of all the fact that when you have every target as a capable playmaker and a QB who can get them the ball 3. our OL when we decided to win by hard nose/run first football....they succeeded. So now we've upgraded (from Freeman/stable) at RB and can still win with a run first mentality or at least a balanced one. Teams last year were not scared of us throwing the ball and we still won running the ball. I believe at worst, Bryce will be able to perform above Darnold/PJ level so that teams cannot just pack the line to stop Sanders. 4. our defense has been young since 2020. we're getting to the point with the DB/Horn/Chinn/Burns where they're still young but no longer in an experience fashion--just in age. DB IMO was very close if not our outright defensive MVP to me last year. Chinn was limited by injury, scheme etc and him returning to any semblance of who we've seen him be is enormous given we have much more help on the safety/back end. 5. the amount of pressure our D had on them last year to essentially give us good field position/know that we would either get field goals or score around or less than 20...it's a different game this year. in 2015, our defense had secondary dudes off the street, and despite a couple of all timers and being overall good--they gave up points and yards. but also--they held leads and made plays when it mattered. That will be much more of a similar look to me this year since our offense will be more capable of moving the ball thru the air. In my mind if you look at vs. AZ, @ Baltimore and vs Pitt last year, those games flip just with #5 here. last but not least. I understand not wanting to put too much pressure on Bryce, but in thinking of that context plus where our roster was at--we have leadership and good position groups who can succeed WITH him whereas last year everyone had to succeed in spite of a glaring hole/ at best absolute untrustworthy inconsistency at QB. Now..instead of that glaring hole, we have someone who can make plays, passing and running, who has vet targets at almost every spot and promising young players at others. defensive coordinators last year literally could rest their hat on 'stop the run, we win' and we still pulled out 7. I'm not saying Bryce will come in and immediately be 2015 Cam, but when Cam was a rookie, and our roster was bad, defensive coordinators just focused on trying to pressure him as much as possible. When a guy can step in and handle that, it throws the league for a loop instantly, because then all of the sudden you have to do something you haven't had to do when considering the panthers as an opponent since 2018. Defending/caring about all 11 offensive players and the fact that the QB is capable of beating you. it's a franchise defining change and i've missed it oh so much. I have cautious optimism that Bryce can at least be an effective game manager but I think we'll see that plus the capability to take over some games even this early in his career, just as Cam did. Cam did not come in this prepared/ready as he had a lot of stops and only one true college year without playing much of NFL offense (and still had 3 of the top 10 best rookie QB game performances ever). Bryce has been this #1 dude since HS and has shown it every step of the way. I'm betting he's capable of stealing the 1-3 games we need to separate this year's team from last to get us to host a playoff home game for winning the south. Then, if we're facing Goff/Daniel Jones/Kirk Cousins/Dak etc at home in playoff week 1...who do you think is more afraid of what might happen...them or us?
  5. not to mention the fact that we will have term on KK, Aho and Svech means that while we will have areas to fix--our young stars are locked in so it wouldnt be that hard to keep up this 2 year stuff especially since we are a FA destination now
  6. didn't mean that was an expectation or fair that we would just get 11 wins. just saying--as a general rule, bottom line, it matters to me that we were scraping the edge of the playoffs last year without league average QB play and now, IMO, at worst, we will have league average QB play. Falcons defense might be marginally better but I wholeheartedly disagree otherwise as their 3rd round starting QB wasn't good. TB should be demonstrably worse and were already pretty bad with the best QB of all time. I've watched plenty of Carr and I don't see him coming in and just being some superstar but the saints are the team to beat nonetheless. My point was just that rookies who are drafted literally every other time in history other than Jared Goff who came into not starting with a dead end fired halfway thru the season Jeff Fisher -- come into WAY worse circumstances than Bryce
  7. They used to give out coins quite a bit. I have the inaugural game one from playing the Bears in '96 which was technically the first home game but was a preseason match. Hell, CLTFC does coins plenty now. Come on Panthers give us a Bryce MNF coin.
  8. I would argue he has the least on his plate other than any other rookie first overall pick in history? A 7 win team that missed the playoffs by 2 officiating blunders without a QB instead of most teams at the top of the draft (for example the 2-14 team that Cam joined made some nice UFA TE pick ups but that roster was yikes)..Cam improved us by 4 wins. If Bryce can give us 4 wins on top of last year...
  9. I still think they're in on EK and trying to deal Pesce and sign VT. That's why the Aho extension isn't official. We don't know exactly what we have until we agree on a trade for EK with some salary retention/third team involved/Pesce on the out so the timing is going to be strained.
  10. Not that I disagree but 1 at least something is happening/FO is not complicit with the results 2 if he stops starting hockey goalies at LB/doing idiotic lineup stuff and plays a simple/more catered to MLS talent style I feel like the results will come by default but I can't sit here and say I have faith but at least we know it's the first step on the list to a new manager if that's how this ends
  11. 2.5m assuming philly retained half the salary which was last i heard going to be the case
  12. whatever you think of this dude...objectively, getting him at 1.6m while Gostisbehere got 4.13 mil is a steal
  13. there is a reddit thread saying that the front office is sitting CL down today and forcing him to simplify tactics or else
  14. He has a trade clause and already said he would waive it to go to Carolina. I wish I could take my click back.
  15. he said he was practicing/working out in his own helmet and to think nothing of it
  16. except for he's on the level where he gets his ass whooped by everyone not sure what philosophical quote follows losing to daniel jones at home in the playoffs but it feels like the ceiling is the roof at this point
  17. My impression of Cousins wasn't great. He is a guy who is where he is because of hard work more than talent, sure. But he is garnering tons of credit for taking hits and not missing time. For me, it looked more like him and Mahomes were taking the same hits and Mahomes never complained once and Cousins complains instantly any time he gets touched and when he's talking about it on the bench it's in a way that if I was on the OL would seem pretty blame-forward. The explanation for the 4th down play was also blame-forward. He basically didn't take any blame, and he talks about JJ being doubled as well as Hockenson being blanketed on a short route. But he makes no mention of 1. Dalvin Cook on the other side wide open with no tacklers within 7-10 yards or 2. Osbourn is on the other side about to break on a slant RIGHT at the sticks. For his explanation to even make sense he first has to admit "I only looked to one side of the field" IMO, the separation of leadership qualities they show between Mahomes and Cousins explains why each of them is where they are. If someone wants to argue that Mahomes has more gifted athleticism, sure. IMO that is a product of his work, preparation, and athleticism that he created through approaching the game a different way. Cousins has had an amazing career for someone who essentially defied the odds to have ANY success--but he also is what he is. Didn't really need his coach building him up over and over again. You make an 80m contract and force your team to trade or release dudes like Dalvin when you can't win WITH those dudes---I certainly don't think their ceiling gets hire losing the Theilens and Cooks of the world--they had to scratch and kick for that division win in their best year with those guys. That division is truly wide open now.
  18. Nylander just overvalues tf out of himself so unless he wants to come here with a bridge deal idk what they're going to do cause that he wants 10m is gonna hurt his trade value so bad. I get that we need FORWARD who scores, but Karlsson had 25 goals/101 points last year. We would be slotted in easy as the number one scoring D and 25 goals helps idgaf where it comes from. it woulda been good for 3rd on the team last season.
  19. if he says he is going to be back by training camp i'm going to trust he'd be back by the regular season over someone random on the internet assuming otherwise against his own direct quote but again, that's why i said it's a depth problem, not a talent problem. The WR2s in the NFC south very specifically do not scare me against a healthy DJ. Godwin has had similar injuries, the Falcons quite literally do not have two wide receivers, and i'm not going to talk about michael thomas as an NFL player until he plays again in the NFL
  20. week 10. He is the 2. “I’m feeling great… Feeling strong,” Jackson said. “Just using all this time that I have up until training camp to get more and more ready. Just diving in the system and having my rehab.”
  21. I'm not sure I feel like he is relevant to EK or not. If we move out Pesce I think we would be looking to fit both TD and EK. I'm no big fan of TD myself, but he brings a decent role to the team and at good value is a good offensive guy on a third pairing. I look at him as a cheaper replacement for Ghost and the rest is just a different thing altogether
  22. I don't think our CB room is very bad. I think it's a lack of depth. Taylor and Henderson vs Mike Evans? yes. that's bad. Taylor and Henderson against WR3/4 with Jaycee and Donte healthy at 1 and 2 to me is above average
  23. it mostly says that philly is rebuilding and they paid him way too much. his contract and the fact that it saves them more to waive him than retain in a trade is more relevant than anything. if the canes get him now, they can get him on a very cheap deal.
  24. deal in place we were ready to announce. Brutal.
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