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Everything posted by RumHam

  1. I was still more interested in the Fox lameduck years. Tuning in for Cam is about it. Also expect us to beat the saints because payton will make it happen
  2. I love when people just magically forget the past. Like Hulu and Antonio Brown or the fact Doug Pederson was literally worse in the locker room with his players than Rhule. Reich won that super bowl for the eagles, not pederson. Stay the fug away. Go get bienemy and stop fuging around.
  3. Makes no sense for Smitty. The NFL wants everyone on their network to be a hall of famer and is probably a major reason Smitty is doing television there. Hester I kinda get, Ware absolutely should not be in. Smitty was better than Andre Johnson. Sam Mills better make it this time.
  4. that money is guaranteed for Rhule. Tepper would be paying him plus another coach. Not happening.
  5. The thing is Rhule as a person, much like Rivera, is probably pretty awesome. He'd be on a boat somewhere off myrtle and is probably cool to talk to. He might not even be that bad of a coach, but this is the NFL, and he is in way over his head, and it's his fault for not bringing in anyone and i mean ANYONE with NFL experience. However, that's more on Tepper for letting that happen.
  6. He won't get fired for at least another year and a half. Tepper invested seven years into this contract, and as a businessman, he either goes the Dan Snyder route and throws money around, or won't throw away that investment too quickly. It will have to play out. Rhule is here until at least year five.
  7. People here still preaching about WE COULD HAVE HAD FIELDS, well HE'S BEEN GARBAGE. Any QB we reach for and throw into this dumpster fire is done. Fields would probably had been worse if we drafted him and threw him in there. We build that line, run ball control, let the defense flourish with a solid DT and MLB, we can compete for a playoff spot. But then again there's Rhule in there.
  8. WE NEED A fuging LINE. This draft works to our advantage. We need to bolster elsewhere and roll with what we got. Which means next year WON'T BE ANY BETTER EITHER, but maybe year 4. We surround Sam, Cam, Whoever back there with protection, it'll provide a chance for them to actually do something. We need to dangle CMC for picks, roll with Chuba, and build a damn line. NO SPLASHES
  9. This is the right decision. Darnold is here and if he shows out we can dangle a trade. We tank for top 3 pick. Cam should play a half next week tho
  10. dude cares more about soccer. this team moving to germany
  11. When i initially saw 7 years, im like we are stuck for at least five no matter what. Or tepper has so much fug you money we turn into a revolving door until something sticks
  12. The one play inwatched today, he let his guy come free. I continue to wonder why some of you blindly think hes the one?
  13. Robby saying all this means Rhule has lost the locker room
  14. If Rhule is here, watch us overspend for Trevor Siemen
  15. I thought it was the Giants and we beat them to the punch? Didn't even know the Jets were in the talks at the time.
  16. Hire a HC that's offensive minded that works with the OC on playcalling. Hire an NFL-experienced defensive coordinator with an excellent track record. Trade up with the Jets for the 4th pick and take what tackle we can high. If the tackles suck and the linebackers are good, either trade back or take the best MLB we can b/c we are missing this too. Resign Cam, Reddick and Gilmore. Let jackson walk. Trade CMC, Anderson, Darnold, Brown. Sign or pick up a receiving TE. Tremble hasn't been given proper opportunity to shine, but is more of a blocker either way. Get rid of the offensive line.
  17. He seems too worried about limiting the playbook for these QBs so they learn the system? Cam did change that call on 4th down yesterday, which was fine IMO. But they sniffed it out and he basically threw it like he did to avoid an INT. Which means they knew the play call. That reverse was nice. Shula did that poo too much though, but we don't do anything outside of hitch, slant, RPO.
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